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On The Road to Zero Trust Maturity? Take the Quiz!

Every single blog you read on cybersecurity has at least one mention of the Zero Trust approach to cybersecurity (even this one 😊). Alas, don’t consider that Zero Trust is yet another hyped word that will soon vanish into thin air. Zero Trust, originally dubbed more than a decade ago, came up as a necessity to defend systems, networks, data and people against the increasing sophistication of attackers that rendered implicit trust a vulnerability.

Insider Threats and Indicators to Watch Out For

Many enterprises perceive cyber-attacks as malicious actions predominantly executed by external actors. Enterprises devote time and budgets investing in methods to bolster their security perimeters against external threat actors. However, it is equally important for these organizations to remember that many cyber-attacks, which cost millions in losses, originate through an internal compromise.

Tech-Forward Countermeasures in the Fight Against Identity Theft

Technology has expanded the avenues bad actors use to steal identities and sensitive data. However, digital tools are also giving users innovative countermeasures to protect themselves. Here are seven tactics anyone can use to help prevent identity theft.

Information security compliance: why it's more important than ever

Being in a more connected environment benefits all of us, from those using social media to stay in touch with far-away relatives, to businesses enjoying the rewards of remote working. But, while connectivity is great and offers many positives, it also creates vulnerabilities. Companies that handle sensitive data may find themselves the target and victim of cyber- attacks as malicious actors look to harvest that information for their gains.

Building a Cybersecurity Training Program: What you need to know

Every security framework recommends that an organization has a cybersecurity training program for all employees, but few give much guidance about what the program should contain. What do you train them on? What actually works? Other than checking a box on the compliance forms, are these programs useful?

Healthcare sector warned of Venus ransomware attacks

Healthcare organisations in the United States are being warned to be on their guard once again, this time against a family of ransomware known as Venus. An advisory from the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has warned that the cybercriminals behind the Venus ransomware have targeted at least one healthcare entity in the United States, and are known to be targeting publicly-exposed Remote Desktop Servers.

Curbing Rampant CEO Fraud in 2022

If it seems like you’re constantly hearing about cybercrime these days, there’s a reason for that. Globally, reports of cyberattack instances increased by a staggering 125% in 2021, a trend that shows no sign of slowing. As businesses and consumers turn their attention to cybercrime and protective measures, enterprising cybercriminals continue to fine-tune their approach to exploiting vulnerabilities. In fact, cybercrime is on track to become the world’s third-largest economy.

Fangxiao: A Phishing Threat Actor

Do you know what “fangxiao” means in simplified Chinese? Before you Google it, let me tell you that it stands for “imitate” and this is exactly what Fangxiao phishing campaign actors try to do – imitate and exploit the reputation of international, trusted brands by promising financial or physical incentives to trick victims into further spreading the campaign through WhatsApp.

Integrity Monitoring Use Cases: Policy Monitoring for Compliance

In response to increasing societal concerns about the way businesses store, process, and protect the sensitive data they collect from their customers, governments and standardization organizations have enacted a patchwork of regulations and laws. Some of these are generic regulations (CCPA, GDPR), while others are industry specific (SOX, NERC, HIPAA, PCI DSS).