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Think You Know Tripwire? Think Again

Fortra’s Tripwire has always been widely known as a File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) solution, and a very good one at that. The good news is that it still is - only when you look closely, it’s a lot more. And it always has been. Besides its traditionally known role as an integrity and security configuration management tool, Tripwire’s powerful capabilities make it a comprehensive cybersecurity solution.

The Past, Present, and Future of File Integrity Monitoring

Also known as change monitoring, File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) solutions monitor and detect file changes that could indicate a cyberattack. They determine if and when files change, who changed them, and what can be done to restore files if those changes are unauthorized. As such, FIM solutions are useful for detecting malware and achieving compliance with regulations like PCI DSS and are a crucial part of any enterprise security stack.

Monitoring Your Files for Security and Compliance

Have you ever stopped to consider all of the components that comprise a working automobile? Even a cursory examination reveals more parts than might be considered when we turn the ignition key. However, many of these components are useless when detached from the full product. A steering wheel without a car is not exactly an efficient mode of transportation.

Guardians of the Files: Tracing the Evolution of File Integrity Monitoring

File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) is a cybersecurity process that involves continuously monitoring files and systems to identify any unauthorized changes. FIM solutions maintain file integrity by comparing a file or system's current state to a known, trusted baseline and flagging any discrepancies. It is key for identifying security breaches, preventing data tampering, and maintaining compliance.

Change Management and File Integrity Monitoring - Demystifying the Modifications in Your Environment

When outsourcing the IT department was first introduced, many business owners hailed it as the solution to all their technology problems. The promise of reduced headcount, less overhead and sunk costs, as well as reduced management responsibilities, seemed like a gift that would boost profits. When cloud computing entered the business world, the same promises were realized. However, shifting responsibility to an outside administrator brought new risks to the organizations.

Superior Integrity Monitoring: Getting Beyond Checkbox FIM

Contrary to what one might expect, creating a File Integrity Monitoring (FIM) system is pretty easy. Practically anyone with a modicum of Python, Perl, or development skills can write an app or script to gather a file's checksum, compare it to a list or baseline, and tell you whether or not said file has changed. But creating a good FIM solution is hard. Many inadequate checkbox File Integrity Monitoring solutions are on the market because while detecting change is easy, reconciling it is not.

Tracing Linux: A file integrity monitoring use case

Protecting mission-critical Linux machines is essential for any business. Sophisticated cyber attacks can start from a low-value target machine and pivot into high-value servers filled with sensitive information. However, many organizations face challenges when their infrastructure includes older Linux kernels that do not support modern tracing technologies.

Integrity and FIM: It's More than Just Data Security

Integrity is a vital component of any cybersecurity policy, making up one-third of the CIA Triad. However, until recently, the industry has had a limited understanding of the term, using it primarily in the context of data security. Integrity means so much more than this principle alone: it impacts every facet of an information system and can drive an organization's entire security program. Fundamentally, integrity ensures that no one tampers with your assets, whatever and wherever they may be.