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Shifting Left Is a Lie... Sort of

It would be hard to be involved in technology in any way and not see the dramatic upward trend in DevOps adoption. In their January 2019 publication “Five Key Trends To Benchmark DevOps Progress,” Forrester research found that 56 percent of firms were ‘implementing, implemented or expanding’ DevOps. Further, 51 percent of adopters have embraced DevOps for either all new or all applications. Clearly, DevOps adoption is here and growing.

Why Is Penetration Testing Critical to the Security of the Organization?

A complete security program involves many different facets working together to defend against digital threats. To create such a program, many organizations spend much of their resources on building up their defenses by investing in their security configuration management (SCM), file integrity monitoring (FIM), vulnerability management (VM) and log management capabilities. These investments make sense, as the resources listed above can all help protect the organization.

Five Easy Steps to Keep on Your Organization's DevOps Security Checklist

The discovery of a significant container-based (runc) exploit sent shudders across the Internet. Exploitation of CVE-2019-5736 can be achieved with “minimal user interaction”; it subsequently allows attackers to gain root-level code execution on the host. Scary, to be sure. Scarier, however, is that the minimal user interaction was made easier by failure to follow a single, simple rule: lock the door.

Trends in Industrial Control Systems Cybersecurity

With connectivity to the outside world growing, cyber attacks on industrial computers constitute an extremely dangerous threat, as these types of incidents can cause material losses and production downtime for a whole system. Moreover, industrial enterprises knocked out of service can seriously undermine a region’s social welfare, ecology and macroeconomics. Not surprisingly, cybersecurity is therefore becoming more and more important across the board.

Do Security Cameras Undermine your Authentication?

For various reasons, many executives and senior team members with privileged status on the network and/or access to financial assets oftentimes need to access corporate IT systems from a public place outside the office. What is very common in these types of places is that they’re covered with security cameras.

Vulnerability Management and Patch Management Are Not the Same

Vulnerability management and patch management are not products. They are processes, and the products are tools used to enable the process. You cannot buy a hammer, nails and wood and expect them to just become a house, but you can go through the process of building the house or hire someone to do it for you as a service.

AWS System Manager And The Dangers of Default Permissions

In September of 2018, Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced the addition of the Session Manager to the AWS Systems Manager. The session manager enables shell or remote desktop level access to your AWS EC2 Windows and Linux instances, along with other benefits. This is a great new feature, but care should be taken when enabling this capability.

Tribbles, Supply Chains and Industrial Cyber Security

In the original Star Trek episode “The Trouble with Tribbles,” an unscrupulous merchant, Cyrano Jones, gives a small furry animal called a Tribble to communications officer Uhura. Uhura takes the Tribble aboard the Starship Enterprise where the animal begins to quickly reproduce, thereby threatening to overrun the ship and cause significant damage.