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When Is a Data Breach a Data Breach?

A data breach remains a common headline in the news cycle. A different company, website or social network reports a security issue almost daily. If it feels like using the internet has become a risky endeavor, the feeling is accurate. But what exactly classifies an event as a data breach? The world wide web is littered with different security gaps and vulnerabilities. But that doesn’t mean they have been exposed or attacked yet.

Is the Private or Public Cloud Right for Your Business?

It wasn’t a very long time ago when cloud computing was a niche field that only the most advanced organizations were dabbling with. Now the cloud is very much the mainstream, and it is rare to find a business that uses IT that doesn’t rely on it for a part of their infrastructure. But if you are going to add cloud services to your company, you will need to choose between the private cloud and the public cloud.

Like Football, Your Cybersecurity Defense Needs a Strong Offense

“The best defense is a good offense.” History credits Revolutionary War hero George Washington with being among the first to vocalize this concept, later famously echoed by heavyweight boxing champ Jack Dempsey and football god Vince Lombardi. And it’s easy to see what they mean.

The Greatest of Rewards - Working with Integrity

There are many rewards to being a world class cybersecurity solutions provider at a time when demand for effective solutions is exponentially greater than the existing supply – and getting greater by the minute. But, perhaps the greatest reward is to be asked to model best practices and product capabilities for the greater good of business and missions in a world class lab. Better yet, to collaborate with the most widely recognized standards body in the world to establish such a model.

The Power of Vulnerability Management: Are You Maximizing Its Value?

Tripwire has been in the business of providing vulnerability management solutions with IP360 for about 20 years. With over 20,000 vulnerabilities discovered last year alone, vulnerability management continues to be an important part of most security plans. And most organizations agree.

Understanding Vulnerability Scoring to Help Measure Risk

Understanding vulnerability scoring can be a daunting task, but a good starting point is first understanding risk and being able to distinguish risk from a vulnerability. Both have been used interchangeably throughout the years. A vulnerability is some aspect of a systems functioning, configuration or architecture that makes the resource a target of potential misuse, exploitation or denial of service.

Cybersecurity Hygiene: Not a Dirty Little Secret for Long

In October 2018, FICO (a consumer credit scoring specialist) began scoring the cybersecurity of companies based upon a scan of internet facing vulnerabilities. FICO grades companies using the same scoring that is familiar with consumer credit. These metrics are then used to compare security risks against competitors. This announcement has the potential to be a sea change event in cybersecurity.