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5 Key Components Every Company Should Have in Their Privacy Policy

As a business owner, you’re no stranger to the myriad moving parts that keep the day-to-day business going. In all the bustle, it can be easy to overlook important tasks such as creating a privacy policy because you’re unsure where to start or which elements to include.

Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity: Attacking and Defending

Cybersecurity is a manpower constrained market – therefore, the opportunities for artificial intelligence (AI) automation are vast. Frequently, AI is used to make certain defensive aspects of cyber security more wide-reaching and effective. Combating spam and detecting malware are prime examples.

All I Want for Christmas... Is a New SSL Certificate

On Thursday 6th December, 2018, I realized how dependent I was on my mobile phone having an internet connection. That particular day, I was out and about away from Wi-Fi networks. The first time I noticed I had no connectivity was when I used my phone to check if my train was on time. As I got close to London, I realized I was not the only person who did not have data services on their devices, as I overheard a few people commenting on no connectivity.

What Type of Vulnerabilities Does a Penetration Test Look For?

Penetration testing is becoming increasingly popular as organizations are beginning to embrace the need for stronger cybersecurity. But there are still too many businesses that don’t fully understand the benefits of regular security testing. Pen testing is vital for any kind of organization with an IT system or website. A recent survey of penetration testers revealed that 88 percent of those questioned said they could infiltrate organizations and steal data within 12 hours.

Cybercrime: There Is No End in Sight

Whoever said “crime doesn’t pay” hasn’t been following the growth of cybercrime across the globe. A thriving underground economy has evolved over the past decade to become a massive industry. Estimates in the Web of Profit research paper show cybercriminal revenues worldwide of at least $1.5 trillion – equal to the GDP of Russia. If cybercrime was a country, it would have the 13th highest GDP in the world…

Tripwire Products: Quick Reference Guide

Here at The State of Security, we cover everything from breaking stories about new cyberthreats to step-by-step guides on passing your next compliance audit. But today, we’d like to offer a straight-forward roundup of the Tripwire product suite. Get to know the basics of Tripwire’s core solutions for FIM, SCM, VM and more. Without further ado…

Catching Configuration Changes that Can Lead to Data Exposure

Amazon’s new security issue, which came to light just days before one of its biggest sale events of the year, is making recent headlines. And whilst it probably won’t stop the online retail giant from achieving a profitable Black Friday and Cyber Monday this year, it certainly will make many users stop and think.

Rooted in Security Basics: The Four Pillars of Cyber Hygiene

The term “cyber hygiene” pops up frequently in articles, blogs and discussions about cybersecurity. But what does it really mean? Some say it is an ill-defined set of practices for individuals to follow (or ignore). Others say it is a measure of an organization’s overall commitment to security. Still others – and I am among them – think of “cyber hygiene” as simple, readily available technologies and practices for cybersecurity.