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Configuration Hardening: Proactively Guarding Systems Against Intrusion

The concept of configuration hardening has nice imagery to it. When we use it to describe battle-hardened soldiers who have been tested in combat, a grim, determined image invariably leaps to mind. The same thing happens when we speak of hardened steel that’s been repeatedly quenched and tempered or of hardened fortifications and bunkers.

What Cloud Migration Means for Your Security Posture

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone reading this article that there has been a major shift towards businesses hosting their critical applications in the cloud. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), as well as cloud-based servers from Amazon or Microsoft, have changed the way we build networked business systems for any size organization.

The Dos and Don'ts of DevOps: Implementing Security into the DevOps Lifecycle

Your 10-point DevOps Aligning DevOps and security is more than a matter of getting the right tools in place-it requires a cultural overhaul, too. That means taking a holistic approach to security that makes room for extra training and communication, as well as security tools designed specifically for DevOps. checklist.

Three Ways to Secure Legacy Infrastructure

It is a well-known fact that legacy equipment shall continue to play a crucial role in the continuity and stability of critical infrastructure, especially in industrial control systems. A recent Center for Digital Government survey found that 70% of respondent agencies depend on legacy infrastructure for their operations.

The Sky Is Falling! No Wait, That's Just Our Data in the Cloud!

Back in the good old days, we used to have to order physical servers to run our applications. When servers became too expensive, we found efficiency in virtualization. Why have one box running one server when I could have 10 or more on a single box? Who would have thought I could simply push a button and have a server ready in minutes as opposed to weeks?

Threat Actors in Critical Infrastructure: New Trends and Risk Factors

In this on-demand webcast, guest presenter Mike Chaney, who supports the DHS, National Cybersecurity & Communications Integration Center (NCCIC), and David Meltzer, Tripwire CTO, will share best practices to reduce the likelihood and severity of incidents that may significantly compromise the security and resilience of the critical infrastructure.