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Access Management

Why The Four Eyes principle is critical for access

The four-eyes principle means an activity must be approved by two people, or from Argus Panoptes if the ancient Greeks needed access controls. This principle is commonly used in both routine and non-routine scenarios. On the routine side are “Business Execution” processes. Here the Four Eyes principle is used to stop negative outcomes as the result of poor execution of a regular business task.

Key Attributes You Need to Consider When Selecting a Cloud Security Platform

As more and more businesses move towards cloud-based operations and embrace digital transformation, security is increasingly becoming an important question. As an enterprise migrates to the cloud, its assets and data resources need to be migrated as well, and that might expose the sensitive information.

Things to Ask Your SSE Vendor: Episode 4: Can You Securely Connect to AS400 via Agent and Agentless?

Not every application running in your environment will be a "modern" one. Many companies still use crown-jewel applications like AS400. The best SSE platforms can use zero trust network access (ZTNA) to securely access AS400 - not only when an agent is deployed on the device, but also through an agent-less RDP session as well. Can your SSE vendor do that?

Anomaly Detection in Cybersecurity for Dummies

One of the best ways to defend against both internal and external attacks is to integrate anomaly detection, a.k.a. user and entity behavior analytics capabilities, into your security analytics solution. In this e-book, we break down the different types of security anomalies and explain what each one looks like. We also explain how to determine the risk score of every user and host in the network. Finally, we cover five ways in which you can harden your defenses with anomaly detection.

Things to Ask Your SSE Vendor: Episode 3: How Easy Is Multi-Tenancy?

In this demo learn why it’s important for your SSE vendor to run on a modern cloud backbone (AWS Global Accelerator, GCP and Oracle Cloud etc.), with modern containers on top of them. You’ll be able to easily set up new tenants during an M&A or divestiture, easily set up tenants for third-party users, and allow DevOps teams to manage their own environment, in isolation. For end users, you’ll be able deliver a better user experience and improve performance while doing so.

Buying IAM and Identity Security from the Same Vendor? Think Again.

With the growing risk of identity-driven breaches, as seen in recent ransomware and supply chain attacks, businesses are starting to appreciate the need for identity security. As they assess how best to strengthen identity protection, there is often an urge to settle for security features or modules included in enterprise bundles from the same vendor providing their identity or identity and access management (IAM) layer.