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Export and Distribute SBOMs Directly From Your Git Repositories

Guest Blog by Daniel Parmenvik – CEO of For many, Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs) have changed from a manual list of assets for due diligence procedures to become an integral and automated part of software development. The ever increasing appetite for open-source software translates into a need to keep track of software assets (or open-source dependencies) for all applications, at any given point in time.

Cloud Threats Memo: Tightening Up Leaky GitHub Repositories

Another day, another cloud service leaking personal data because of a misconfiguration. And before you jump to any conclusions, no, it’s not a leaky bucket on AWS S3 or a public blob on Microsoft Azure… The culprit is, once again, GitHub, where an open-source hardware manufacturer has inadvertently left exposed a private-to-public repository that “could have enabled unauthorized access to information about certain user accounts on or before 2019.”

Cloud Threats Memo: New Malicious Campaign Using GitHub for Command and Control

State-sponsored threat actors continue to exploit legitimate cloud services. In their latest campaign, uncovered by Malwarebytes during January 2022, the North Korean group Lazarus (AKA HIDDEN COBRA) has been carrying out spear phishing attacks, delivering a malicious document masquerading as a job opportunity from Lockheed Martin (37% of malware is now delivered via Office documents).

BotenaGo strikes again - malware source code uploaded to GitHub

In November 2021, AT&T Alien Labs™ first published research on our discovery of new malware written in the open-source programming language Golang. The team named this malware “BotenaGo.” In this article, Alien Labs is updating that research with new information.

Malware analysis: Hands-On Shellbot malware

Malware analysis is a fundamental factor in the improvement of the incident detection and resolution systems of any company. The Sysdig Security Research team is going to cover how this Shellbot malware works and how to detect it. Shellbot malware is still widespread. We recorded numerous incidents despite this being a relatively old and known attack that is also available on open Github repositories.

Anatomy of a Cloud Infrastructure Attack via a Pull Request

In April 2021, I discovered an attack vector that could allow a malicious Pull Request to a Github repository to gain access to our production environment. Open source companies like us, or anyone else who accepts external contributions, are especially vulnerable to this. For the eager, the attack works by pivoting from a Kubernetes worker pod to the node itself, and from there exfiltrating credentials from the CI/CD system.