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Automate DAST in DevSecOps With JFrog and NeuraLegion

NeuraLegion’s VP Oliver Moradov takes us through how you can use JFrog and NeuraLegion to automate AppSec testing in your pipelines. The days of long release cycles are well and truly behind us — it is simply not feasible in our agile development world, with developers delivering software and more features at an unprecedented scale and speed. With DevOps, we have multiple development teams running multiple concurrent builds, which is great, but security testing has not kept up.

How The Dark Web Continues to Threaten Businesses

The Internet is a massive space. Seven days a week, millions of web sites, files, and servers run 24 hours a day. Even so, it is just the tip of the iceberg that we surf and the visible websites that can be accessed using search engines such as Google and Yahoo. The Deep Web, which makes up approximately 90 percent of all websites, is underneath the ground. This hidden network is so massive that it is difficult to figure out at any given time how many pages or sites are currently involved.

Vuln of the Month: CVE-2020-10148 SolarWinds Orion Authentication Bypass

Every week, our global community of hand-picked Detectify Crowdsource ethical hackers submit new vulnerabilities that we make available to our users as automated security tests. In the new series Vuln of the Month, we deep-dive into an especially interesting vulnerability that was added to our scanner in the past month. First up: CVE-2020-10148, SolarWinds Orion Authentication Bypass. In January, Detectify added a security test for CVE-2020-10148, SolarWinds Orion Authentication Bypass.

The Root of Your AWS Insecurities

The AWS root account can do anything in your account, and it follows that it should be protected with tight security controls: However, while analyzing root account configuration and use in 915 accounts from 153 production environments over four months, we found that: We will now look at the data in more detail to understand more of the nuances and learnings, including the tradeoffs and the presumed “why’s” behind the problems.

Industry-First Pay-as-you-go SaaS Platform for Kubernetes Security and Observability

We are excited to introduce Calico Cloud, a pay-as-you-go SaaS platform for Kubernetes security and observability. With Calico Cloud, users only pay for services consumed and are billed monthly, getting immediate value without upfront investment.

Don't let AppSec tool overload slow down your development

Application security testing tools help developers understand security concerns, but having too many tools can do more harm than good. Good tools are essential for building just about anything. But maybe that needs a bit more clarification: Not just good tools. They also have to be the right tools. Because the old cliché, “if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail,” is a warning that using the wrong tool can mess everything up.

Creating a Fraud Risk Scoring Model Leveraging Data Pipelines and Machine Learning with Splunk

According to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, the money lost by businesses to fraudsters amounts to over $3.5 trillion each year. The ACFE's 2016 Report to the Nations on Occupational Fraud and Abuse states that proactive data monitoring and analysis is among the most effective anti-fraud controls.