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Using Strategic Choices to Ensure Continuous and Effective Cyber Security

Organizations are overwhelmed by the choice of cyber security tools in the market. They need to balance prioritizing and remediating vulnerabilities with managing their secure configurations. What’s more, many organizations are using hybrid clouds where they need to protect assets that are hosted both on premises and in the cloud. This complexity requires a thoughtful approach to cyber security.

Top 5 Construction Technology Trends to Watch in 2021

The construction industry is not unfamiliar with disruption. In 2008, the Construction Engineering Index plunged 68 percent. Firms that survived the financial crisis that year faced severe margin pressure – dropping from 5 percent in 2007 to 1 percent by 2010. The industry had to act fast and looked for more innovative ways to cut costs and boost profitability. The industry had to act fast and looked for more innovative ways to cut costs and boost profitability.

Eight must-have features in an IAST solution

Selecting the perfect IAST solution for your organization’s needs can be difficult. Learn about the eight must-have features of any good IAST tool. Interactive application security testing (IAST) has quickly gained momentum in the application security (AppSec) space. According to Gartner, there was a 40% increase in inquiry volume around IAST in 2019. Why is IAST one of the fastest-growing AppSec tools?

DoD's Cyber Posture: A Focus on Automation

The importance of the security of the Department of Defense’s (DoD’s) networks is no secret (well, of course a lot of it is secret!). This is evidenced by the Department’s IT/cybersecurity budget request that annually tops $40 billion dollars. Last year’s IT and Cyberspace Activities Budget Overview perhaps said it best.

Here's How Employee Monitoring Software Makes Remote Teams Secure

More than 80% of small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) view IT security as a top business concern, and 75% of corporate executives rank cybersecurity enhancements as a pressing issue in the year ahead. For many, this means adapting to a long-term remote workforce by empowering employees to be productive and secure from any location. In response to last year’s pandemic, 85% of CISOs reported sacrificing cybersecurity to enable remote work. Now, it’s time to revive those capabilities.

What is cybersecurity testing? Reviewing testing tools, methodologies for proactive cyber readiness

This article was written by an independent guest author. Your organization may boast all the best cybersecurity hardware, software, services, policies, procedures and even culture. If this is the case, you’re way ahead of the curve. But no matter how confident you are about your overall cybersecurity posture, how can you really know? Knowing is where cybersecurity testing comes in.

Zero Trust policies - Not just for humans, but for machines and applications too

Hackers are continually finding more and more pathways into an organization’s internal environment. Not only is access widely available, it can also be alarmingly simple. Rather than having to actively hack systems, hackers often just log in using easily-obtained or compromised user identities and credentials.

Using OPA for multicloud policy and process portability

How Open Policy Agent allows developer teams to write and enforce consistent policy and authorization across multicloud and hybrid cloud environments As multicloud strategies become fully mainstream, companies and dev teams are having to figure out how to create consistent approaches among cloud environments.

Best Practices for Securing Modern Cloud Native Applications with ActiveCampaign CISO

The benefits of cloud native development are undeniable – from rapid deployments to scaling operations. However, modern cloud native applications both solve and introduce new security risks at each layer of the application. Join Chaim Mazal, ActiveCampaign CISO, as he shares his experience in the cloud native space and offers tips for others. Mazal will discuss how he transformed ActiveCampaign’s security approach at each layer of stack – including 3rd dependencies, containerization, and infrastructure as code. Join us to learn the key strategies and unique insight for securing cloud native applications.