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Getting started with Kubernetes audit logs and Falco

As Kubernetes adoption continues to grow, Kubernetes audit logs are a critical information source to incorporate in your Kubernetes security strategy. It allows security and DevOps teams to have full visibility into all events happening inside the cluster. The Kubernetes audit logging feature was introduced in Kubernetes 1.11.

1Password Developer Fireside Chat: Introduction to Rust Macros

Senior Developer, Nathan West, shares an introduction to Rust macros, and discusses token trees, metavariable types, and pattern repetition. He’s joined by 1Password Co-Founder Dave Teare, Senior Developers Matias Bueno, Mathieu Letendre-Jauniaux, and Ricky Hosfelt, along with Senior Staff Developer Mitchell Cohen in the first installment of the 1Password Developer Fireside Chat series.

SaaS Design Principles with Kubernetes

It seems like nowadays, every company is a SaaS company. We’ve even begun stratifying by what is sold, replacing the “software” in SaaS to whatever the product’s core competency is, search-as-a-service, chat-as-a-service, video-as-a-service. So, when we, at Teleport, set sail for the cloud after years of successfully navigating on-prem software, we came in with a different set of experiences.

Teramind vs. Veriato | 2021 Feature Comparison

An apples to apples comparison between Teramind and Veriato is difficult because they follow slightly different approaches when it comes to bundling product features and offerings. We’ve chosen the two most similar employee monitoring packages between the two solutions to compare. Teramind’s package, called Teramind UAM packs all the features you would expect from a modern employee monitoring solution like monitoring, recording, detection and activity control.

Best Practices for Writing Secure Java Code

Every Java developer should follow coding standards and best practices to develop secure Java code. It is critical your code is not vulnerable to exploits or malicious attacks. In recent times, even big organizations like eBay, the CIA, and the IRS have fallen victim to vulnerabilities in their applications that have been discovered and exploited by attackers. The following guidelines provide a solid foundation for writing secure Java code and applications.

Five reasons why the supply chain is the weakest link in your cybersecurity

While cybersecurity is a major concern for all tech-enabled businesses, it is more so for the supply chain where hand-off happens from raw materials to delivery of a product or service. All the functional areas are potential touchpoints where cyber-attacks can happen.

Calligo wins twice at the Digital Jersey Tech Awards

2021 is off to a stellar start for Calligo. At the Digital Jersey Tech Awards 2020 virtual awards evening, Calligo was announced as the Digital Growth Business of the Year for its achievements throughout last year, while Julian Box was named the Digital Leader of the Year. Calligo was named Digital Growth Business of the Year because of its growth in five key areas: UK expansion A fourth acquisition was also completed in 2020, this time in the UK.