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Kubernetes Security: Lateral Movement Detection and Defense

What is Lateral Movement? Lateral movement refers to the techniques that a cyber-attacker uses, after gaining initial access, to move deeper into a network in search of sensitive data and other high-value assets. Lateral movement techniques are widely used in sophisticated cyber-attacks such as advanced persistent threats (APTs).

The Fundamental Steps Every IT Admin Must Take to Prevent Ransomware

For enterprises that have at least some part of their IT environment in the cloud, the key to protecting data starts with understanding the layers of the cloud stack and their corresponding security risks. Each layer has its own unique threat potential, and when IT teams understand how data transacts at each layer, they can take appropriate measures to safeguard against those threats. One of the most common is ransomware.

Why Zero Trust in IAM is the new way forward

The increasing adoption of cloud applications and an expanding remote workforce are redefining network security. In a traditional setting, the emphasis was on perimeter-based security—assuming that everything behind the corporate firewall is safe. However, it’s clear that organizations have to rethink the philosophy of implicit trust in a corporate network.

Are airports and airlines prepared for cyber threats post COVID-19?

The COVID-19 pandemic has unveiled numerous vulnerabilities and shortcomings in the airline industry. What’s worse for aviation in particular over other industries is how airports have essentially served as the portal for the virus traveling from one country to another across the globe. As a result of severe travel restrictions implemented by nearly every country, airline companies have been hit hard and forced into a dire financial situation.

Continuous Intelligence for Atlassian tools and the DevSecOps Lifecycle (Part 1)

Implementing and operationalizing the best practices and capabilities of DevOps into an organization is a key predictor for increased customer satisfaction, organizational productivity and profitability. Doing so successfully can be a challenging endeavour. Implementing DevOps can be particularly difficult because it oftentimes requires technology changes, process changes and a drastic change in mindset.

The Top Cybersecurity Websites and Blogs of 2020

The information security landscape is constantly evolving, which is why it's so important to stay up to date with the latest trends, threats, and advancements. Given that a Google search for cybersecurity websites produces millions of results, we thought we thought we'd compile a list of the best. Adam Shostack & friends is a group blog on security, liberty, privacy, and economics.

Veriato Vision Intro and Demo

Veriato Vision employee monitoring software lets you record and track all of your employees' activity... so you’ll know if they are working hard or hardly working. Vision gives you granular control over what activities and programs you monitor. Once the Vision software is deployed on the company's PCs, Macs, and Androids, you can remotely monitor by the department, group, or individual. Additionally, you can monitor employees that are off-network or working remotely.