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Tales from a Social Engineer - Romance Scams

Internet dating is a great thing. No longer are you reliant on bumping into that future special someone in a bar, at the workplace, or in the local coffee shop. As humans, our world has never been so connected, our reach so vast and now even finding love the same is true. Firstly, let’s just start by accepting internet dating is a thing and has been a thing before the world went into various states of lockdown, it has been around pretty much since the widespread use of the internet itself.

How to Securely Manage Your Shift to the Cloud

All organizations want to take advantage of the cost savings, operational efficiency, and improved capabilities that a shift to the cloud provides. But having the right protections in place is key to make sure not only your users are protected, but that your sensitive data is also protected. Especially as workforces become increasingly remote, improved functionality and cloud security are both must-haves for any organization.

Announcing the First-Ever Veracode Hacker Games

“Destroying things is much easier than making them.” This quote from The Hunger Games rings true in software; developers spend months perfecting their innovative applications only to see it all crumble at the nimble fingers of a speedy cyberattacker. So how do you beat them? Improve your secure coding know-how early on and keep it sharp. More than half of organizations in North America provide developers with some level of security training annually, or less often.

ENISA Releases Guidelines for Cloud Security for Healthcare Services

The healthcare sector is undergoing digitalization and adopts new technologies to improve patient care, offer new services for remote patients and reach operational excellence. The integration of new technologies in the complex healthcare IT infrastructure creates new challenges regarding data protection and cybersecurity.

Information Security Policy: Must-Have Elements and Tips

Organizations often create multiple IT policies for a variety of needs: disaster recovery, data classification, data privacy, risk assessment, risk management and so on. These documents are often interconnected and provide a framework for the company to set values to guide decision-making and responses. Organizations also need an information security policy. This type of policy provides controls and procedures that help ensure that employees will work with IT assets appropriately.

What Is Metasploit?

In this quick guide for cybersecurity professionals, we’ve invited some of our favourite security experts who have previously worked with Metasploit to explain why this tool is so valuable for conducting effective penetration tests and network reconnaissance tasks. Our first expert Michael Roninson, Security Expert at Cerber Tech gives a brief overview of this tool and how to use it in his response below;

Quantifying CyberRisk- Solving the riddle

In the late 1990’s and early 2000’s there was a concept that was bandied about that was coined “Return on Security Investment” or ROSI. Borrowing from the common business term Return on Investment (ROI) where a return on a particular investment (capital investment, personnel, training etc.) could be quantified, the cybersecurity industry attempted to quantify a return on security investment.

Sysdig contributes Falco's kernel module, eBPF probe, and libraries to the CNCF

Today, I’m excited to announce the contribution of the sysdig kernel module, eBPF probe, and libraries to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. The source code of these components will move into the Falco organization and be hosted in the falcosecurity github repository. These components are at the base of Falco, the CNCF tool for runtime security and de facto standard for threat detection in the cloud.

SecureAPlus Premium Add-Ons

Add-Ons for SecureAPlus Premium, it lets you beef up multi-PC management and Windows offline security with two new optional Add-Ons: Policy Add-On gives access to policy creation which defines how SecureAPlus is configured which can then be rolled out via the SecureAPlus Portal to individual or groups of PCs. It also gives you tools to maintain a central whitelist and implement a whitelist request approval system that can all be managed from the convenience of the SecureAPlus Portal.