Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Interview With Transmosis CEO Chase Norlin

For the seventh instalment in our series of interviews asking leading technology specialists about their achievements in their field, we’ve welcomed the CEO of Transmosis, Chase Norlin to share his journey in the field of cybersecurity as well as his recommendations for those looking to start their career in cybersecurity.

Optimizing software composition analysis for developer workflows with Black Duck Rapid Scan

Black Duck Rapid Scan enables developers to check for security or policy violations without disrupting development process. When the first software composition analysis (SCA) tools made their entrance into the market, their focus was on license compliance. As open source grew in popularity, SCA tools expanded to include vulnerability management, helping to reduce the attack surface for organizations leveraging open source.

Splunk Named Market Share Leader in ITOM and SIEM Reports

2020 was a challenging year for modern enterprises. In under a year, we experienced a decade's worth of transformation while a global pandemic raged on. And while the worst of COVID-19 will hopefully soon be behind us, the need to continuously transform our digital environment is unequivocally here to stay. We've already seen an example of this, thanks to a significant increase in data generated from across the business.

DevSecOps is a practice. Make it visible

Security should be embedded in DevOps by default, but for many organizations, it is not. Enter “DevSecOps”. What is DevSecOps? It is a practice to build more secure applications, secure the software factory, and secure cloud workloads. Because it is a practice it needs to be visible. In this session hear about the ways tech-enabled enterprises approach a DevSecOps practice, how they make it visible, and how Splunk + JFrog can accelerate your journey.

Spotlight on Technology - Encryption

In our new series, Spotlight on Technology, we invite experts from different areas of cyber security to talk to us about their specialisms. First up, we take a look at encryption with James Rees MD of Razorthorn, a cyber security consultancy & Scott Glazer from Atakama, New York based multifactor encryption software specialists. 80% of companies hit by ransomware are hit twice in a short space of time – 45% of the time by the same attacker as the initial breach. We need to take a new approach to defend against this modern day threat.

What If You Had Advance Notice of a Ransomware Attack?

One of the worst things about ransomware attacks isn’t just the mayhem they cause as your data is encrypted by criminals and your business is put on hold — it’s not knowing when they’ll happen. But what if you had some advance notice about the next cyberattack before it hit? What if you could find out if your data was up for bid on the dark web?

Empowering women in the field of ethics and compliance

Ethics and compliance is becoming a burgeoning industry as an increase in government regulations in areas such as sustainability, diversity, and data privacy make compliance an important focus for companies. It’s especially important in tech companies as the ever-growing risk of cybersecurity breaches requires that security teams be vigilant in protecting sensitive data.