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Appknox adds ioXt Security Compliance Testing for IoT & Mobile Apps

Appknox, a leading enterprise mobile application security solution provider has announced a partnership with ioXt, a global standard for IoT security and standardization of security, privacy, and compliance programs. With the alliance, Appknox will enforce the clients with a Security Pledge that focuses on the security of stakeholders, and devices in the IoT environment.

Product Update: SMS TxN Extractor-The future of income proof and financial profiling

With our continuous pursuit to help businesses reduce the blind spots in business metrics, we have come up with yet another feature that will prove to be the richest source of financial data, i.e SMS TxN Extractor. SMS was believed to be a dead market until people began to understand the reliability. Apart from the concept of reliability of SMS messaging, texts are quick, cost-effective and results can very quickly be analyzed.

The Open Policy Agent Journey from Sandbox to Graduation

As anyone who has built or introduced a new project or product knows, success doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time and patience. When we first started the Open Policy Agent (OPA) project in 2016, we didn’t just spend all of our time on code — a lot of it was spent building awareness around the project and the community. As OPA started gaining traction, we were encouraged every time we’d hear a developer talk about OPA at a conference or mention it in a blog post.

EU representation - what UK businesses need to know

EU representation isn’t a new thing – it’s a core component of the GDPR – but it has become something that UK companies need to be aware of post Brexit. Up until 31st December 2020, UK companies didn’t need to worry about having an EU representative, as the UK was a part of the EU. Now things have changed, and many UK businesses need to find an EU data representative in order to maintain compliance with EU GDPR.

Securing DevOps : Security in the Cloud

Key Topics surface possible for a startup, to focus on their product and leave complex infrastructure security and cloud security problems for later on.
  • The need to start segmenting permissions when there are too many people in a team is a natural, and getting into the cloud services and cloud security business knowing that rearchitecting regularly will be needed is healthy.
  • Should Australian Businesses Pay Ransoms to Cybercriminals?

    The Australian Cyber Security Center (ACSC) strongly advises against paying ransoms of any amount to cybercriminals. In some circumstances, these payments could even be illegal. The Australian government is tightening its cybersecurity regulations to align with the United State's new stance on nation-state threats. As a result, there have been significant changes to how Australian businesses are expected to respond to cyberattacks.

    The Power of Security Automation

    A more diversified workforce only reinforces the importance of vigilance against cyberthreats. And though you’re likely offering your customers the latest and greatest security solutions, the human element is hard to ignore. Thankfully, security automation lowers the risk of human error and raises your security profile.

    Too Many Vulnerabilities and Too Little Time: How Do I Ship the Product?

    The percentage of open source code in the enterprise has been estimated to be in the 40 percent to 70 percent range. This doesn't make the headlines anymore, but even if your company falls in the average of this range, there is no dearth of work to do to clean up, comply with AppSec policies, and ship the product. Phew! So where do you start when it comes to resolving all the vulnerabilities uncovered in your open source libraries?

    Cybersecurity Challenges in the Construction Industry

    Digital transformation is at the heart of every industry. There are no longer any industries that are immune to the rapid adoption of this movement. When we think of the construction industry, we may think back to an image of ironworkers sitting over a city and enjoying a lunch break on a construction beam. However, rapid digitalization has transformed the construction industry and will continue to drive change and encourage innovation.

    The Colonial Pipeline Ransomware Attack: The Fallout and Its Implications

    Cybercriminals use ransomware to block organizations from accessing their critical business data to extort ransoms. Data encryption protects data wherever it resides. The encrypted data becomes obsolete as encryption makes it difficult for the ransomware to detect it and attack. A good data backup & restoration strategy and a DRM solution are the key factors when companies want to respond to ransomware attacks. These allow companies to restore the data encrypted during the attack.