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Securing Access to Production MySQL Databases.

MySQL brands itself as the world’s most popular open source database. As popular as MySQL database is among developers and SQL enthusiasts, it is equally popular amongst hackers. Misconfigured server access, overprivileged roles, and weak authentication schemes are the most common security issues in MySQL database. While access control features provided by MySQL are adequate enough at the SQL level, it is error-prone to manage access at the operational level.

Ransomware Has Evolved, And So Should Your Company

Ransomware is typically initiated via phishing or social engineering tactics, these attacks often take advantage of human error for the successful delivery of the malware. These criminal organizations are impartial to the size of your organization. They target any company with data, and if you don't pay the ransom, your information could be posted to a public forum or sold on the Dark Web for profit. Most companies unfortunately are forced to pay due to system failure and file corruption.

Create a New Application Profile in the Veracode Platform

In this video, you will learn how to create a new application profile in the Veracode Platform. Users with the Creator or Security Lead role on the Veracode Platform can create application profiles. The application profile describes your application, identifies the policy to evaluate the application with, and provides metadata that enables a thorough analysis of security performance across all the applications in your organization.

Yuba County Survived a Ransomware Attack and Lived to Tell the Tale

The growing threat of ransomware attacks is ubiquitous, which has been further accelerated by the pandemic. In February of 2021, Yuba County was hit by ransomware that infected critical systems. Despite the attacker’s demands for ransom, the county was able to avoid paying the hefty fee and quickly recovered with Rubrik. Listen in on the fireside chat with Paul LaValley, CIO of Yuba County as he shares intimate details of how they survived the attack and lived to tell the tale.

Estée Lauder Uses Rubrik to Manage and Protect Global Data at Scale

Leading house of prestige beauty, Estée Lauder is a collection of over 25 globally renowned beauty brands, each with its own unique set of data and unique challenges. To protect all data at scale while keeping costs low, the beauty company embarked on a digital transformation journey – to break free from legacy data protection and mobilize to the cloud.

Fortifying Cyber Defense: How to Act Now to Protect Global Supply Chains

This webinar was hosted by Ignyte Assurance Platform and Federal Publication Seminars on 18 June 2021. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), under the Department of Homeland Security, launches a campaign to reduce the risk of ransomware. Following an executive order signed by President Biden on May 12, 2021, which aims to increase cybersecurity defenses and resiliency against nation-state data exfiltration and hold global criminals accountable for ransomware attacks.

Four Steps to Modernizing Government Cybersecurity with Zero Trust based on the Executive Order

The pandemic has accelerated digital transformation and telework on a scale never seen before. Employees are working from anywhere and collaboration in the cloud has skyrocketed. But this new environment has expanded the cyber attack surface, compromising critical U.S. infrastructure and lives of our citizens. The recent slew of major cyber attacks including SolarWinds, Microsoft Exchange and Colonial Pipeline, has moved cybersecurity improvements to the top of the agenda for the U.S.

How the Elastic InfoSec team uses Elastic Security

At Elastic, we internally use, test, and provide feedback on all of our products. For example, the Information Security team is helping the Product team build a stronger solution for our customers. The InfoSec team is an extremely valuable resource who acts not only as an extension of Quality Assurance/Testing, but also as a data custodian.

How Cloud Evangelists Face - and Overcome - Cloud-Computing Security Challenges

This is the third in a series of posts examining the recent Devo research report, Beyond Cloud Adoption: How to Embrace the Cloud for Security and Business Benefits, which is based on a survey conducted by Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG). This time, we’ll take a look at the cloud-computing security challenges Cloud Evangelists face. Let’s begin by explaining how we define that group.