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Is Google Drive HIPAA Compliant?

Google Drive is one of the oldest and most well known cloud storage and productivity suites. Although Google Drive launched in 2012, Google’s productivity platform dates back to 2006, when Google Docs and Google Sheets first launched. Over the years, Google would more closely integrate these services before moving them under the Google Drive and Google Suite brand. Today, Google Drive and Google’s entire suite of collaborative tools are referred to as Google Workspace.

How can businesses stay ahead of loyalty point fraud?

In our recent webinar featuring Netacea’s Head of eCommerce, Tom Platt, we explored the rising threat of loyalty point fraud and how businesses can reap the benefits of loyalty schemes while staying protected from attacks and retaining customer loyalty. Watch the full webinar on demand or catch up on the takeaways here.

How an open source software audit works

Open source software audits can identify undetected issues in your codebase. Learn how our audit services can help you understand the risks during an M&A. Most of our clients understand that an open source software audit differs from an automated scan. An audit involves expert consultants analyzing a proprietary codebase using a combination of Black Duck® commercial tools and tools we’ve developed and use internally.

How Much Damage a Ransomware Attack Can Cause

As soon as you turn on a news channel or try to read the latest broadcast from your favorite site, you can find an article on cybercriminal activity, especially ransomware-type. Ransomware, a highly crippling malware attack on businesses of all sizes and sensitive information, has been in action. You can search now and find several companies getting attacked and losing footing.

The 3 Types of Security Controls (Categories, Frameworks and Standards)

Security controls can be physical or virtual, policies, training, techniques, methodologies, action plan, devices, and customised solutions to avoid, detect, and prevent intruders and minimise the security risk befalling the individual or organisational proprietary information systems, etc.

A mid-year update for Cybersecurity - 4 trends to watch

It is nearing the mid-year point of 2021, and already it can be characterized as” the year of the breach.” Many companies and institutions saw their security perimeters pierced by hackers including the mega-breaches of Solar Winds and the Colonial Pipeline. The scale of penetration and exfiltration of data by hackers and the implications are emblematic of the urgency for stronger cybersecurity.