What can’t you buy on the internet? Last-minute birthday gifts. Check. A new refrigerator. Check. An engagement ring. Check. Groceries. Check. Travel to foreign lands. Check. Internet-driven consumerism is a critical component of our economy. But it has its dark side filled with demons.
The rising adoption of digital processes in manufacturing has fundamentally changed how this sector does business. The increased reliance on digitization and network connectivity has sharpened the risks of company data exfiltration, intellectual property damages, and more, especially those stemming from insiders. Insider threat actors operate from a position of trust that allows them to circumvent security and evade detection for months, if not years.
OpenSSH ProxyJump and ProxyCommand directives tell the SSH client how to connect to a remote server via an intermediary server — often called a jump host, jump server, or bastion server. If you are new to jump servers, read our tutorial on how to set up a jump server and learn some of the best practices to secure them.
I have a history of creating my own custom “bug bounty automation” systems to automate the process of performing reconnaissance, vulnerability discovery at asset prioritization. These days it’s called “External Attack Surface Management” (EASM). In essence, EASM is hardly a new concept. The name has become fancier since Gartner listed EASM as an emerging product but the concepts are very similar.