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Key trends from 2021 that redefined IAM

With 2022 around the corner, many want to hit the ground running and make the new year different from the last. If you’ve also been preparing for a productive year and scaling your organization up, this blog will bring you up to speed on the major security trends of 2021 you should know about. With ADManager Plus, you can easily adapt to these new trends and be ready to take on any IAM challenge in 2022. For now, here are the major IAM trends of 2021.

5 holiday Cybersecurity tips retailers need this year

Retailers around the world are preparing for a chaotic holiday season. Supply chain disruptions are causing issues, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is something retailers need to keep in mind, especially when operating a brick-and-mortar location. Another pressing issue that retailers of all sizes need to address before the peak of the holiday season is the risk of facing a cybersecurity crisis.

What does the Secret Key do for you and for us?

A unique feature of 1Password’s security is the Secret Key, but its value is often misunderstood by users and security experts alike. Instead of thinking in terms of “is it like a second factor” or “is it like a key file” it’s best to explain it in terms of what it actually does: It protects you if we were to be breached.

1Password Developer Fireside Chat: Ownership & Mutability Patterns in Rust

Senior developer, Nathan West, explains the nuances of two families of types in Rust: those with shared ownership, and those with shared mutability. Using live code examples, Nathan explains how these types can be useful and what considerations are important to bear in mind when implementing them – including a look at two "lies" we might mistakenly believe about Rust itself.

Compliance Reporting Product Demo // UpGuard Summit December 2021

Learn how to use UpGuard’s exciting new Compliance Reporting feature with Senior Product Manager, Chris Schubert UpGuard is a complete third-party risk and attack surface management platform, managing cyber risk across attack surfaces and third-party vendors by proactively identifying security exposures.

Cybersecurity Risk Management // Live Panel with Built Technologies // UpGuard Summit December 2021

Join cybersecurity leaders from Built Technologies as they discuss the best practices in cybersecurity risk management. On the panel: CHAPTERS: UpGuard is a complete third-party risk and attack surface management platform, managing cyber risk across attack surfaces and third-party vendors by proactively identifying security exposures.

Product Spotlight // UpGuard Summit December 2021

Hear from Chief Product Officer, Dan Bradbury, about UpGuard's latest features from this quarter, as we bring 2021 to a close. Dan also showcases all the exciting releases coming soon. UpGuard is a complete third-party risk and attack surface management platform, managing cyber risk across attack surfaces and third-party vendors by proactively identifying security exposures.