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Unified Agent - WhiteSource CLI

This is the fourth video in a series describing how the WhiteSource Unified agent can be used to detect open source artifacts and their known vulnerabilities and licensing risks. This video will focus on performing a scan with the WhiteSource CLI which is a lightweight version of the unified agent that is designed for immediate feedback on a user's desktop.

Log4j detecting an attack and compromise in logs

Over the last two weeks, many have had flashbacks to 2012 when Heartbleed was released and everyone scrambled to fix broadly used OpenSSL. Due to their nature, some applications and services are so prolific that when a vulnerability is identified it causes massive issues for vendors and customers alike. The latest of this kind of issue is the Log4j vulnerability that has been dominating the press.

Weekly Cyber Security News 03/12/2021

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. For a daily selection see our twitter feed at #ionCube24. Those of you of a certain age who frequented department stores during the 80’s and the emergence of home computing might remember the often used jape of writing a two line BASIC programme to fill the screen with text – often something silly. Such innocent times, and now though, we have this....

It's Time for the U.S. Federal Government to Move (FAST) on Cloud Security and Zero Trust

Executive Order 14028 on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity was released in May with nine sections outlining specific focus areas for security improvements. As we noted at the time, Netskope applauded the EO for how it placed significant emphasis on zero trust security adoption, mentioning it no fewer than 11 times, and insisting on proactive action.