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Under the Sheets, Practical Android Static Analysis

First off, before we get into the technical details of attacking applications, a few housekeeping bits must be understood. This blog is aimed at technical individuals that already understand at a basic level Android development and architecture, aiming to give security testers and application developers an insight into the ways an attacker may interrogate code to achieve some form of compromise.

AT&T Cybersecurity Insights Report: Securing the Edge - Available today

The data is in, the analysis is done, and the eleventh edition of the AT&T Cybersecurity Insights™ Report: Securing the Edge is ready for you! We know cybersecurity is a journey and not a destination, that is why each year we look forward to the publication of this report, a guide to help you on your journey to cybersecurity resiliency.

Top 5 Gaming Cybersecurity Trends for 2022 that you Need to Know

If we talk about industries that have skyrocketed immensely in recent times, mobile gaming would certainly top the list. However, as fun and profitable mobile games are for users and business owners, they involve unimaginable security risks. Mobile games involve volumes of sensitive user and business data and provide a very profitable setting for cybercriminals to take advantage of.

Random but Memorable - Episode 8.7: New Year Security Resolutions

Are you looking to declutter your digital life in 2022? Then we have some top tips for you! Tune in as we share how a digital declutter can improve your security in the New Year. 🧹 Plus we unveil some exciting 1Password news and expose all the latest security headlines in Watchtower Weekly (just as proficiently as the shutdown of ransomware gang: REvil.) And we're back with a bang for a James Bond themed round of Ridiculous Requirements! 💥

Cyber Insurance's Real Dilemma

Since the start of the pandemic, the cyber insurance industry has been facing its biggest challenge to date. A ransomware crime spree is demonstrating the speed and scale of cyber risk and how this type of risk is unlike any other insurable risk. The number of ransomware attacks increased by 150%. Total ransoms paid are up 311%. The dramatic rise in frequency and severity resulted in a record high loss ratio of 67% for insurance carriers.