Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


4 Data Governance Best Practices

Data governance is the principled approach to managing data during its life cycle — from the moment you generate or collect data to its disposal. Good data governance ensures that data is kept private, accurate, usable, and most of all: secure. Data governance is a broad term, and as a result, good data governance encompasses everything from user behavior to technology to policies and compliance regulations.

Pentest 101: SQL Injection | What is SQLi? | How to Avoid It?

SQL injection is listed in both OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities and top 25 vulnerabilities by SANS. An attacker can hijack your database, delete critical information, or create a persistent backdoor by exploiting an SQL injection. 😰 You need penetration testing to detect and fix this critical vulnerability. Astra Security presents a crisp exploration of SQL injections - how they occur, how they affect a user, different categories of SQLi vulnerabilities, and the way in which you can avoid them.

Outpost24 Webinar - API security 101 and how to secure your web applications

APIs are a key part of modern web applications and a growing security challenge that isn’t well understood by developers and application security managers, leading to exposed APIs that give hackers access to sensitive data. Find out how to secure your APIs and prevent vulnerabilities from making it into production.

Talent Shortage 2022: Stretching Your Lean DevSecOps Team

The cybersecurity talent shortage is real. As of December 2021, a job-tracking database from the U.S. Commerce Department showed nearly 600,000 unfilled cybersecurity positions. And a 2021 study found that 57% of cybersecurity professionals worked at organizations that have been directly impacted by the cybersecurity talent shortage. Even so, many organizations want to “shift security left” or build security best practices earlier into the software development lifecycle (SDLC).

Tame the snake: Snyk shines a spotlight on Python security

Today, 43% of all data breaches are directly linked to vulnerabilities found in applications. With the programming language Python reaching ever greater popularity in the developer space, Snyk has taken an in-depth look at security issues relating to the language and found that, "while 81% of the most popular Python packages are in a healthy state," roughly 20% of the security weaknesses identified by Snyk Code are related to Python projects.

BotenaGo strikes again - malware source code uploaded to GitHub

In November 2021, AT&T Alien Labs™ first published research on our discovery of new malware written in the open-source programming language Golang. The team named this malware “BotenaGo.” In this article, Alien Labs is updating that research with new information.

Sysdig 2022 Cloud-Native Security and Usage Report: Stay on Top of Risks as You Scale

The fifth annual Sysdig Cloud-Native Security and Usage Report digs into how Sysdig customers of all sizes and industries are using and securing cloud and container environments. We examined the data and found some interesting trends this year that may help you as you work to develop best practices for securing and monitoring your cloud-native environments. This year’s report has new data on cloud security, container vulnerabilities, and Kubernetes capacity planning.

Cloud-Native Security and Usage Report 2021

The fifth annual Sysdig Cloud-Native Security and Usage Report digs into how Sysdig customers of all sizes and industries are using and securing cloud and container environments. We examined the data and found some interesting trends this year that may help you as you work to develop best practices for securing and monitoring your cloud-native environments. This year’s report has new data on cloud security, container vulnerabilities, and Kubernetes capacity planning. Read on to see how you stack up!

PHP security in Snyk Code now GA

We recently announced our beta release for PHP support in Snyk Code, which brought with it the ability to identify potential PHP security vulnerabilities at the code level. After a successful public beta program, PHP security support in Snyk Code is now GA. 🎉🎉🎉 PHP is a popular programming language that is used by developers all over the world. In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the features of Snyk Code and how it can be used with PHP.