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January Developer Roll Up

January’s update is a little late but it is only because we are really busy with lots of big things coming. One of things we are looking forward to in the near-term is a webinar with one of our oldest and most valued customers: Soteria - Security Solutions & Advisory Join us this Valentines Day as we recount cybersecurity’s greatest love story and explore how Soteria leveraged their expertise - and the LimaCharlie platform - to create a successful MDR/DFIR business.

The ultimate guide to Cyber risk management

This blog was written by an independent guest blogger. Ambitious information security experts serve as a critical part of cyber risk management. The corporation is responsible for structuring IT and information security activities to protect its data resources, such as hardware, software, and procedures. To stay competitive, enterprises must design and establish secure environments that retain confidentiality and privacy while also ensuring the integrity of corporate information.

Sysdig Secure - When cloud provider security services are not enough

The benefits of cloud computing are causing the adoption of cloud services by companies of all sizes to increase each year. The reduction of operating costs, time to market, ease of use, and reliability are some of the most significant benefits. However, the shared responsibility model must be taken into consideration. Cloud breaches are already everywhere and it doesn’t look like they’re going to slow down anytime soon.

Fun with ciphers in copycat Wordles

Here at Snyk, we spend a lot of time researching vulnerabilities. We do that because there are a lot of other folks out there researching new ways to break into apps and systems. We’re often putting on our “grey hats” to think like a malicious hacker. I regularly view-source, look at network traffic and eyeball query strings. One such delicious little query string caught my attention this week on one of the many copycat Wordle sites.

What is a Botnet Attack? 5 Ways to Prevent It

A botnet is a cluster of machines that are infected with malware, enabling hackers to control them and unleash a string of attacks. Most commonly, botnets come in the form of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, and recently the Microsoft Azure DDoS Protection team reported a 25% increase in these attacks when compared to the first half of 2021. Recent advances in technology have opened up a world of new opportunities for both consumers and businesses.

A Malicious Package Found Stealing AWS AIM data on npm has Similarities To Capital One Hack

In the latter part of December 2021, WhiteSource Diffend detected the new release of a package called @maui-mf/app-auth. This package used a vector of attack that was similar to the server side request forgery (SSRF) attack against Capital One in 2019, in which a server was tricked into executing commands on behalf of a remote user, thereby enabling the user to treat the server as a proxy for requests and gain access to non-public endpoints.

How Reciprocity Onboarding Services Deliver Lightning-Fast Time to Value

When your organization makes a substantial investment in new technology, the last thing you want is for it to go underused. Digital transformation is intended to make people more productive and give them more time to focus on what matters most. But you can’t reap those benefits unless the onboarding process is swift, smooth, and effective enough to deliver immediate results.

Cybersecurity in Competitive Online Gaming (Cheating, Mitigation, and Vulnerabilities)

As the competitive online gaming and eSports industries gain legitimacy by becoming more popular and attracting mainstream attention, the question of competitive integrity lingers in the back of my mind. Can the game’s developers, community, and users maintain and uphold competitive integrity? Or will they fold under the pressure of greed and complacency?

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Fix the Broken State of Security with a "Security for all" mindset

Which cultural values empower businesses to thrive today? That's an open question, of course. But I suspect most employees, managers, and analysts would include items like collaboration, transparency, and creativity on the list of essential ingredients in business success. Indeed, you could argue that these values are at the core of a variety of modern organizational and technical innovations, from DevOps (which is all about collaboration) to open source software (which centers on collaboration and transparency) and the creator/maker movement (which is, of course, all about creativity).