Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Why cybersecurity needs a seat at the table

A shift has occurred in the bastion of corporate hierarchy in the last few decades that has fundamentally changed how organizations operate. This shift started about sixteen years ago in 1994 with Citibank/Citigroup. After suffering a cybersecurity incident, they created the role of Chief Information Security Officer (CISO); a role which has only grown in prominence since.

Expert Thoughts on How Infosec Pros Can Make the Most of Working From Home

We find ourselves in strange times. In response to the ongoing coronavirus epidemic, organizations have swiftly closed their offices and mandated that all employees begin working from home. This development has created security challenges with which many organizations are still grappling.

NormShield vs. SecurityScorecard Comparison

The average cost of a data breach is now nearly $4 million, and the unfortunate truth is third-parties are a significant source of cyber risk. These increasing costs are why cybersecurity vendor risk management (VRM) is a top priority for CISOs, Vice Presidents of Security, and other members of senior management, even at the Board level. In addition to financial costs, regulatory and reputational costs are increasing.

Hardening Windows security: How to secure your organization-Part 3

This is the final blog of our three-part blog series on living-off-the-land (LOTL) attacks. If you missed last week’s blog, you can read it here. LOTL attacks are also known as “malware-free” attacks because your own tools are used against you, either to hide malicious activities under a legitimate system process, or to leverage genuine system activities for malicious purposes.

Prevalent vs. Whistic Comparison

The news cycle is full of third-party data breaches and data leaks. And for a good reason, they often expose the protected health information (PHI) and personally identifiable information (PII) of thousands or even hundreds of millions of people. Cyber attacks and misconfiguration are more common than ever before. Organizations need to invest in tools to prevent data breaches and reduce cybersecurity risk: particularly risks that involve third and fourth-parties.

Prevalent vs. UpGuard Comparison

Cyber attacks, misconfiguration, and data leaks are more common than ever before. Our news cycle is full of first and third-party data breaches that expose the protected health information (PHI) and personally identifiable information (PII) of thousands or even hundreds of millions of people. Not only are data breaches more common, but they're also more costly. The average cost of a data breach is now nearly $4 million globally.

Surviving the Paperwork: Why Seamless Submissions and Good Compliance Envelopes Matter

Are you finding it increasingly challenging to manage your organization’s regulatory submission process? The entire process of developing a drug from preclinical research to marketing takes approximately 12 to 18 years and can cost billions of dollars before a drug is even approved.