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Enable Global DevSecOps with Cloud Enterprise and Xray on AWS

When software can travel around the globe at the speed of the cloud’s gusts, enterprises need to be extra certain the updates they release are safe for customers to use. If an app built in Palo Alto uses a vulnerable package from Belgrade, losses can ripple from Sheboygan to Shanghai. At JFrog, we believe enabling global DevSecOps in the cloud should be an easy process.

SecurityScorecard vs Prevalent Comparison

The average cost of a data breach is now nearly $4 million and the unfortunate truth is third-parties are a significant source of cyber risk. This is why cybersecurity vendor risk management (VRM) has become a top priority for CISOs, Vice Presidents of Security, and other members of senior management, even at the Board level. In addition to financial costs, there are increased regulatory and reputational costs.

COVID-19 Scam Roundup - April 20, 2020

Scams leveraging coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) as a lure have stolen tens of millions of dollars from their victims. As of April 16, 2020, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) had received 20,334 consumer reports of fraud attempts pertaining to the coronavirus since the beginning of the year. Those attacks that proved successful had caused their victims more than $15 million in damages at the time of writing. Unfortunately, both of those figures are likely to grow as time goes on.

PowerShell and 'Fileless Attacks'

PowerShell had its beginnings as a way to enable administrators to perform their tasks both locally and remotely with unprecedented access to underlying Windows components, such as COM objects and WMI. Since being included in every major Windows Operating System since Windows 7, PowerShell based tooling is well proliferated for both legitimate and malicious use and includes common tooling such as SharpSploit, PowerSploit, PowerShell Empire, Nishang and Invoke-Obfuscation.

Prevalent vs. RiskRecon Comparison

Every day third-party data breaches and data leaks inundated our news cycle. And for good reason, the average cost of a data breach is nearly $4 million globally. This has led to organizations looking for ways to reduce cyber risk and prevent data breaches. Vendor risk management (VRM) is now a top priority for CISOs and other members of senior management, even at the Board level.

Building Effective Cybersecurity Budgets

Building an effective and resilient organization on a budget isn’t a small task. When it comes to cybersecurity budgets, there are many different aspects that need to be considered. Thankfully, alignment with industry best practice and recognized security frameworks adds a small amount of clarity to this challenge.

Prevalent vs CyberGRX Comparison

Every day the news is filled with third-party data breaches and data leaks. And for a good reason, they often expose the protected health information and personally identifiable information of thousands or even hundreds of millions of people. For context, the Ponemon Institute estimates that the average cost of a data breach is nearly $4 million globally.

Working from home - new reality for even small businesses

I’m very fortunate in the COVID-19 situation. My job as editor of the AT&T Cybersecurity blog lends itself well to working from home. In fact, even before the virus I had the privilege to work from home some of the time – of course with a VPN and other security measures, on company equipment. The biggest impact has been personal for me. I miss my colleagues at work. I miss the in-person laughs and socializing.

Egnyte Extends Integration with Microsoft Teams

Egnyte is committed to building an ecosystem of solutions that help organizations collaborate more effectively and securely. Our ongoing work with Microsoft Teams, which already includes Egnyte capabilities through Collaboration Tab and Messaging Extension, is an important part of this goal.