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Working from home? Use the spare time for professional development

It’s 2020 and our world is rapidly evolving. Many conferences and training programs have been cancelled, most of us are working from home, and it may seem like learning opportunities are scarce. If you are locked in your house due to COVID-19, what could you be doing to improve your cybersecurity & information security skills? Let me share a few ideas.

RiskIQ vs. BitSight Comparison

Cyber attacks, misconfiguration, data leaks, and data breaches are increasingly common. Each week the news is full of new exposures of protected health information (PHI) and personally identifiable information (PII). These security incidents are not only more common but also more costly. The average cost of a data breach is now nearly $4 million globally. For breaches involving third-parties, the cost increases to $4.29 million according to a recent report by IBM and the Ponemon Institute.

Cloud Under Pressure: Keeping AWS Projects Secure

Amazon Web Services (AWS) allow organizations to take advantage of numerous services and capabilities. As the number of available options under the cloud infrastructure of the company grows, so too do the security risks and the possible weaknesses. AWS Project owners need to take extra precautions by following some platform-specific advice. Amazon is constantly working on adding new features and implementing new changes in its current offering, as well.

Cyber-hygiene 101 during remote working: Protecting your digital identities with multi-factor authentication

When organizations shift to a work-from-home environment, identity and access management (IAM) takes center stage. Organizations with remote workforces must fortify their IAM policies and tools for a better user experience to ensure productivity, while also handling all the security challenges remote work presents to ensure data and system security. One of the biggest risks an organization faces when its workforce goes remote is unnecessary and unauthorized access to organizational data.

Protecting Your Assets: It's Not Just About Servers and Laptops!

In most of our blogs, we spend a TON of time going on about protecting our endpoints, looking at sysmon, checking the firewall, correlating IDS data and the like… Today, we're going to shift gears a bit and look at security from a different angle. Recently, there has been a tremendous focus on the shifting paradigm of a workforce that primarily resides in corporate offices, to a highly virtual workforce sitting at their kitchen tables.

5 Important Points of SIEM Evaluation Checklist

Over the past couple of years, the Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solution has been recognized as an effective tool in the Security Operation Center (SOC) of organizations. Whether it comes to managing the multiple tools or meeting the compliance standards, SIEM has always been playing its crucial role. However, since there is a multitude of SIEM solutions available in the IT market today, selecting the right one is an extremely important but difficult task for enterprises.

Stories from the SOC - Web Server Attack

During the Investigation of a Web Server Attack alarm for a large multinational enterprise Customer, we conducted an Investigation that inevitably led to the customer isolating the system entirely. The sophistication of the Correlation Rules developed by the AT&T Alien Labs™ team recognized patterns that indicated an attack on the web server.

RiskIQ vs. UpGuard Comparison

Cyber attacks, misconfiguration, and data leaks are more common than ever before, as are cybercriminals. Our news cycle is full of first and third-party data breaches that expose the protected health information (PHI) and personally identifiable information (PII) of thousands or even hundreds of millions of people. Not only are data breaches more common, but they're also more costly. The average cost of a data breach is now nearly $4 million globally.

COVID-19 Scam Roundup - April 27, 2020

The coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) scam onslaught continues. Per Threatpost, digital attackers ramped up their activity over Q1 2020 to the extent that they were sending approximately 1.5 million coronavirus-themed attack emails by the middle of April. How can we then be surprised by ZDNet’s reporting that the number of digital crime reports received by the FBI had quadrupled in number, with many of these disclosed attacks featuring COVID-19 as a theme?