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Three stages of IT security where you can implement CARTA (Continuous Adaptive Risk and Trust Assessment): Run, Plan, Build

CARTA (Continuous Adaptive Risk and Trust Assessment) is a novel and efficient approach to the IT security that aims to offer additional context for the cybersecurity professionals when they are making a decision. Keep reading to learn more! CARTA (Continuous Adaptive Risk and Trust Assessment) was introduced in 2017 by Gartner. Being around for only 3 years, CARTA offers a strategic and efficient approach to the IT security.

Exciting new features of Coralogix STA

We at Coralogix, believe that cloud security is not a “nice-to-have” feature – something that only large organizations can benefit from or are entitled to have. We believe it’s a basic need that should be solved for organizations of any shape and size. This is why we built the Coralogix Security Traffic Analyzer (STA) tool for packet sniffing and automated analysis. Today we’re announcing several new features to our security product you’ll find interesting.

Remote, Hybrid Work Need Better Data Security

2020 is a uniquely transformative year. Prompted by a global pandemic, we’ve been forced to change many things about how we live, work and relate. For most businesses, this means a rapid and comprehensive shift toward remote work. While more than half of all employees participated in a rapid transition to remote work, it’s clear that this is more than just a temporary change.

Lookout partners with Google to deliver Zero Trust and BeyondCorp vision for mobile devices

Productivity suites have changed the way we work With the advent of cloud productivity platforms, tablets and smartphones have become an integral part of our work and personal lives. At any time, we are one tap away from accessing the same content as our desktop computers. In some ways, mobile devices have replaced those traditional devices as our main productivity tool. To borrow a line from a current ad campaign for tablets – “your next computer is not a computer.”

What is search engine clickbait and how do hackers trick Google's crawlers?

Search engine optimization (SEO) works with algorithms to ensure that the most relevant and most popular webpages show up first in an internet search. SEO makes sure that the best websites get the biggest boost. However, SEO has a lesser-known, evil twin called black hat SEO. This term refers to a common trick of cybercriminals. Black hat SEO is meant to circumvent algorithms, exploit weaknesses, and create fraudulent links.

Cloud Content Governance: Egnyte's Data Security Framework

Are our systems secure? Is our valuable content safe? These are tough questions to tackle when news headlines regularly bombard us with messages of cyberattacks and security breaches. Centrify, a zero-trust and privileged access management provider, reported that 71 percent of business decision-makers are concerned that the move to remote working creates a significant increase in the risk of cyberattacks.

Nightfall DLP enables customer-centric data security for one of the largest movie-ticket retailers

Just when a company thinks they’ve seen it all in cybersecurity, new challenges in data protection keep security leaders on their toes. One of the largest movie-ticket retailers discovered a need to protect sensitive data that could be shared across their productivity tools.

Air Gap Distribution Delivers Peace of Mind to Isolated Environments

The best way to stay out of danger is to keep far away from where danger lurks. But in the internet age, the global network means risk to your systems is from everywhere, at all times. With estimates that worldwide damage from cybercrime will exceed 6 trillion dollars by 2021, many companies choose, or are required by regulations to isolate their most sensitive systems to avoid any type of security breach.