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How Can FSOs Help with CMMC Compliance?

As of now, the final rule for the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification has been published. The clock is ticking for organizations to make the changes they need to make, adhere to the multi-phase schedule required to achieve certification, and continue their work with the federal government across the board. As organizations, both large and small, start to dig into this work, it becomes increasingly clear that certain individuals and roles are critical to have on hand.

Navigating User Account Management for Enhanced Windows Security

Your network is comprised of devices and users, and both require proper management. For a user to access a device and its hosted assets, that user requires a user account that has access to the computer. The allocation and management of these accounts are important for multiple reasons including security, personalization and accountability.

Holiday Scam Season: Turning Vulnerabilities into Long-Term Resilience

More transactions, less vigilant consumers, and countless digital impersonators ready to exploit them – for scam-targeted industries and cyber teams, the holiday season is a full-spectrum stress test. Those who pass with flying colors have likely adopted key reinforcements that adapt posture for the era of off-the-shelf social engineering scams assisted by AI. Those that don’t are likely still reliant on outdated solutions and customer education.

Is eBay Safe To Buy From?

eBay is generally safe to buy from; however, it’s important to take security precautions because people are often scammed on the platform. If you’ve never shopped on eBay before, it is a global online marketplace that allows you to buy items instantly or through online auctions. The online marketplace was created in 1995 by Pierre Omidyar as a way for people to reach a large audience if they’re trying to sell an item.

Every Cybersecurity List Should Be a Risk-Ranked List

Cybersecurity is all about risk management and reduction. You cannot get rid of all risk. Well, I guess you could, but you (and everyone else) would probably not want to work in a true zero-risk environment. It would be too locked down, super slow, and incredibly inflexible. Cybersecurity is all about identifying the most likely and impactful risks and reducing them. To repeat, cybersecurity is about risk management. Identify the biggest risks and mitigate those the best you can. That is your job.

The Rise of Outsourced Cybersecurity: How CISOs are Adapting to New Challenges

Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) are facing unprecedented challenges. The combination of increasingly sophisticated cyber threats, persistent talent shortages, and complex regulatory requirements has led many organizations to rethink their approach to cybersecurity. As a result, we're seeing a significant shift towards outsourcing key security functions to managed service providers. Integrates with Fireblocks to Enhance Secure Fiat-to-Crypto Payment Infrastructure

Fireblocks, an easy-to-use platform to manage all digital asset operations and build innovative businesses on the blockchain, is working with payments solution to create the next generation of fiat-to-crypto rails.

Broken Access Control in Committee Management System

On 24 September 2024, the security researchers at Astra discovered a critical broken access control vulnerability in the Class Committee Management System, an open-source project. The web-based system allows users to manage files, schedule meetings, generate reports, and access other management features. A broken access control vulnerability occurs when the application does not enforce proper permissions and restrictions.