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The PCI DSS Series - Beginning at the End

Becoming PCI DSS compliant can be a long journey and we like to begin, possibly controversially, with requirement 12 of the 12 PCI DSS Compliance Requirements. This requirement includes information security governance and there's a lot in there about your security policies. Why begin here, you might ask? Well, watch on...

The PCI DSS Series - Top 10 Myths

There are plenty of myths and misconceptions around PCI DSS. This video guides you through this minefield - making sure you understand each myth can not only make the PCI DSS compliance process easier but also more successful. Jim shares his 10+ years' experience as a QSA to explain where these misconceptions come from and how to successfully work around them.

What are the PCI DSS Password Requirements?

The PCI DSS compliance password requirements are mandated by Requirement 8 of the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Password compliance plays a key role in the PCI standards because it dictates the password complexity necessary to help an organization better defend its systems against unauthorized access.

PCI DSS 4.0 Is Coming - Are You Ready?

Ransomware today is a billion-dollar industry. It’s crippled industries like healthcare. In 2017, for instance, WannaCry brought much of the United Kingdom’s National Health Service to its knees using the EternalBlue exploit. It was just a few weeks later when the NotPetya ransomware strain leveraged that same vulnerability to attack lots of industries.

What is PCI Compliance? Requirements, Maintenance and Fines

PCI is an information security standard for organisations that handle credit card transactions. It includes any entity that processes, stores or transmits credit card information. This standard is mandated by major credit card companies – Visa, Mastercard, and American Express – and administered by Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC).

Steps for PCI DSS Gap Analysis

Complying with Standards drawn by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council can be complicated and time-consuming. But, with a PCI DSS Gap Analysis, the process becomes a lot easier, streamlined, and less exhaustive. PCI Gap Analysis is the first step towards the Compliance process. The assessment provides details on your current security posture against what is expected and needs to be achieved by the organization.

Preparing for PCI DSS 4.0: what you need to know

The PCI DSS is a minimum set of requirements designed to help organisations protect customer cardholder data, minimise fraud, plus prevent, detect and respond to cyber-attacks. All organisations that accept and/or process credit card payments are required to undertake an annual PCI DSS audit of security controls and processes, covering areas of data security such as retention, encryption, physical security, authentication and access management. Version 3.2 of the PCI DSS was introduced in 2016.