Understanding SCIM and Directory Sync
This article will walk you through everything you should know about SCIM and Directory Sync.
This article will walk you through everything you should know about SCIM and Directory Sync.
This blog has been written by an independent guest blogger. Since its advent, the debate over its ethical and unethical use of AI has been ongoing. From movies to discussions and research, the likely adversarial impact AI has had over the world has been a constant cause of concern for every privacy and security-conscious person out there.
With the deadline to comply with CMMC expected in May 2023, many in the Defense Industrial Base are scrambling to understand how to comply, the tools they need to comply, and the cost to comply. It’s a lot to get right, and there’s a lot riding on it—companies will need to comply if they want to do business with the DoD. That’s why we’ve developed a series of blogs, checklists and other assets to help contractors manage the complexity.
Almost a year ago, I took on a new challenge: Start a podcast about cybersecurity – The Cybersecurity Sessions, hosted by Netacea co-founder and CPO Andy Still. To be honest it’s not always easy finding the time to record the podcast between Andy’s more business-critical duties, but it’s a task he’s looked forward to greatly each month since last November. That’s because, like me, Andy is always seeking out new perspectives and information.
Few things are more crucial for internet businesses than the Digital onboarding procedures for user online. You invest a lot of money into getting people to visit your website, and many companies dedicate entire departments to optimizing it so that visitors turn into customers. Nothing could be further from the truth: the onboarding phase is essential not only for your customer journey but also for fraud and risk reasons.
Read also: Albania cuts diplomatic ties with Iran over a cyberattack, a new Apple zero-day is being sold on the dark web, and more.
So 1Password CEO Jeff Shiner just committed code to one of my GitHub repositories. That’s strange. While he’s a developer at heart, I don’t think he gets much time to code these days. What’s going on here?
Keeper is pleased to announce significant new upgrades to the KeeperMSP Platform that offer robust security and compliance solutions through an expanded portfolio of Keeper zero-trust security capabilities. These market-leading features will help Managed Service Provider (MSP) partners oversee security and compliance for their customer base in an increasingly challenging threat landscape. These platform enhancements include the following powerful add-on features and products.