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EP 57 - Proactive Defense: Security's AI Infusion

In this episode of the Trust Issues podcast, we explore the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on identity security. Guest Peretz Regev, CyberArk’s Chief Product Officer, joins host David Puner, for a discussion about how AI is reshaping cyber protection, offering solutions that are as intelligent as they are intuitive. With the ability to predict threats and adapt with unprecedented agility, AI is ushering in a new era of proactive security.

Password Hygiene Tips and Best Practices

Password hygiene tips to follow include using unique passwords, enabling Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and keeping your passwords safe in a password manager. Password hygiene encapsulates the best practices for protecting your passwords and online accounts. When you practice good password hygiene, your strong passwords will prevent you from becoming a victim of cyber attacks, virus and malware infections, password breaches and more.

CVE-2024-20401 and CVE-2024-20419: Critical Vulnerabilities in Cisco Secure Email and Cisco Smart Software Manager On-Prem

On July 17, 2024, Cisco publicly disclosed critical vulnerabilities in Cisco Secure Email Gateway (SEG) and Cisco Smart Software Manager On-Prem (SSM), identified as CVE-2024-20401 and CVE-2024-20419 respectively. Both of these vulnerabilities may allow for unauthenticated administrative actions to be taken by threat actors when exploited.

Olympic Games Special: How to protect cybersecurity of sports organizations

Millions of spectators from around the world will flock to Paris this summer to attend the 2024 Olympic Games. The UEFA European Football Championship and the America's Cup are also taking place this summer, giving us weeks of massive sporting events on both sides of the Atlantic.

Ransomware: Attackers resort to old-school techniques and minimal investment

The modus operandi of cybercriminals is constantly changing. It comes as no surprise that, every so often, hackers switch up their methods to become more evasive. However, contrary to what we might imagine, these changes don’t always have to be innovative, or involve new attack strategies. Cybercriminals are increasingly opting to employ old-school techniques, and couple this with minimal investment.

Choosing the Right VPN Alternatives for Secure Remote Access

VPNs were once the go-to method for organizations offering remote access, but they’re no longer up to the task. As organizations adapt to a more mobile workforce and the growing use of BYOD and SaaS applications, they are increasingly turning to advanced solutions that can meet their evolving security needs more effectively. This blog will explore why now is the time to consider VPN alternatives that will strengthen your organization’s security posture. ‍

Compute Environments in AWS Batch: How to Set Up

When you need to run training models and complex analysis with batch jobs at scale, AWS batching can be a good solution. AWS provides a special service to perform a large number of computing operations effectively and without management overhead. This blog post covers the AWS Batch architecture and configuration principles for batch processing.

Network Digital Twin Technology identified as Transformational in Hype Cycle for Enterprise Networking, 2024

It seems as if there is a new networking technology announced every day. When faced with a deluge of information and vendors seeking your attention, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. We feel the Gartner Hype Cycle reports seek to tame the confusion by objectively reviewing new technologies and applications and offering IT leaders a view of how new additions to the market will evolve over time.