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CISOs Stop Struggling! Trustwave Security Colony - Your All-in-One Cybersecurity Arsenal

Few repositories of cybersecurity knowledge are as broad, deep, and widely respected as Trustwave Security Colony. The industry analyst firm IDC has praised Security Colony, which sees clients and others interested in learning more about their cybersecurity posture download thousands of resources every month, much of which is available for free. IDC deemed this information so important that, in a recent report, it named Security Colony a "differentiator" from others in the field.

From Legacy Systems to IoT: Protecting Critical Infrastructure Against Evolving Threats

The explosive growth in connectivity and the geopolitical environment is putting critical infrastructure around the world at risk. Connecting legacy industrial control systems (ICS) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems that critical infrastructure runs on to IT environments, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and out to the Internet makes it easier for cybercriminals and state-sponsored groups to gain access to systems and conduct malicious activities.

Choosing the Right VPN Alternatives for Secure Remote Access

VPNs were once the go-to method for organizations offering remote access, but they’re no longer up to the task. As organizations adapt to a more mobile workforce and the growing use of BYOD and SaaS applications, they are increasingly turning to advanced solutions that can meet their evolving security needs more effectively. This blog will explore why now is the time to consider VPN alternatives that will strengthen your organization’s security posture. ‍

How to Plan an Active Directory Migration

Microsoft’s Active Directory (AD) runs your Windows network and keeps mission-critical legacy apps and workflows running at some organizations. Replacing can be a big commitment and migration planning is an essential step to undertake before kicking off your project. Big commitments are made for very good reasons. Consider that AD has become a top target for cyber attackers and doesn’t meet modern IT requirements.

Global IT Outage: CrowdStrike Falcon Sensor Update Mishap and Resulting Cyber Threats

On July 19, 2024, a botched CrowdStrike Falcon sensor update for Windows operating systems led to the largest IT outage in recent history. Although the issue stemmed from a technical malfunction, it inadvertently opened the door for real threat actors to exploit the situation. This incident has triggered a wave of malicious activities, particularly targeting CrowdStrike’s Latin American (LATAM) customers.

Migrating from legacy SOAR platform to Tines: a step-by-step guide

In this blog post, Martin Moroney, Customer Success Engineering Manager at Tines shares lessons on migrating from a legacy SOAR platform, based on his experience in overseeing dozens of successful migrations. Enterprise system migrations are complex projects, with intimidating challenges that require meticulous planning and execution. This complexity is amplified in the context of systems that leverage many integrations to support complex workflows.

Best Practices for Effective Vulnerability Management

When it comes to the world of cybersecurity, vulnerabilities are everywhere, just waiting to be exploited. Vulnerability management is the systematic process of identifying, assessing, prioritizing, and mitigating security vulnerabilities in IT systems, applications, and networks. It aims to reduce the risk of exploitation by continuously monitoring for weaknesses and applying necessary security measures.

EP 57 - Proactive Defense: Security's AI Infusion

In this episode of the Trust Issues podcast, we explore the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on identity security. Guest Peretz Regev, CyberArk’s Chief Product Officer, joins host David Puner, for a discussion about how AI is reshaping cyber protection, offering solutions that are as intelligent as they are intuitive. With the ability to predict threats and adapt with unprecedented agility, AI is ushering in a new era of proactive security.