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Global IT Outage: CrowdStrike Falcon Sensor Update Mishap and Resulting Cyber Threats

On July 19, 2024, a botched CrowdStrike Falcon sensor update for Windows operating systems led to the largest IT outage in recent history. Although the issue stemmed from a technical malfunction, it inadvertently opened the door for real threat actors to exploit the situation. This incident has triggered a wave of malicious activities, particularly targeting CrowdStrike’s Latin American (LATAM) customers.

Is Your Bank Really Calling? How to Protect Yourself from Financial Impersonation Fraud

Protecting your financial information has never been more crucial. With the rise of sophisticated scams, it's becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between legitimate bank communications and fraudulent attempts to access your accounts. So, how can you be sure it's really your bank contacting you? The Vulnerability of Personal Information First, it's important to understand that our personal details are more accessible than we might think.

Choosing the Right VPN Alternatives for Secure Remote Access

VPNs were once the go-to method for organizations offering remote access, but they’re no longer up to the task. As organizations adapt to a more mobile workforce and the growing use of BYOD and SaaS applications, they are increasingly turning to advanced solutions that can meet their evolving security needs more effectively. This blog will explore why now is the time to consider VPN alternatives that will strengthen your organization’s security posture. ‍

Password Hygiene Tips and Best Practices

Password hygiene tips to follow include using unique passwords, enabling Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and keeping your passwords safe in a password manager. Password hygiene encapsulates the best practices for protecting your passwords and online accounts. When you practice good password hygiene, your strong passwords will prevent you from becoming a victim of cyber attacks, virus and malware infections, password breaches and more.

Network Digital Twin Technology identified as Transformational in Hype Cycle for Enterprise Networking, 2024

It seems as if there is a new networking technology announced every day. When faced with a deluge of information and vendors seeking your attention, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. We feel the Gartner Hype Cycle reports seek to tame the confusion by objectively reviewing new technologies and applications and offering IT leaders a view of how new additions to the market will evolve over time.

Migrating from legacy SOAR platform to Tines: a step-by-step guide

In this blog post, Martin Moroney, Customer Success Engineering Manager at Tines shares lessons on migrating from a legacy SOAR platform, based on his experience in overseeing dozens of successful migrations. Enterprise system migrations are complex projects, with intimidating challenges that require meticulous planning and execution. This complexity is amplified in the context of systems that leverage many integrations to support complex workflows.

Sky-High Stakes: Combating Cyber Fraud in the Aviation Industry

Fraudulent cyber attacks targeting the airline industry are a common issue largely seen coming out of the underground, such as the deep and dark web. According to RSA Security, airlines are the industry most affected by online fraud, accounting for 46% of fraudulent transactions. As a result, the financial costs for airlines are huge with losses due to fraud estimated at 1.2% of the total global airline revenue.

IDC Analyst Brief findings: Trust centers can help organizations save time and accelerate sales

It's never been more important for organizations to demonstrate their security practices in order to win the trust of customers. ‍ Historically, companies have used static web pages to demonstrate their security posture. And while these can act as helpful marketing tools, these pages don't provide enough evidence for customers to evaluate a vendor’s security program. This leads to lengthy email threads and manual processes in order to manage incoming customer requests. ‍