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QuickShell: Sharing Is Caring about an RCE Attack Chain on Quick Share

Authors: Shmuel Cohen, Sr. Security Researcher | Or Yair, Security Research Team Lead Google’s Quick Share is a peer–to-peer data-transfer utility for Android, Windows, and Chrome operating systems. It uses a variety of communication protocols—including Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi Direct, Web real-time communication (WebRTC), and near-field communication (NFC)—to send files between compatible devices that are in close proximity to each other.

The Importance of Electrical Inspections Before Buying a Home

When purchasing a home, many buyers focus on cosmetic features and overall aesthetics, often overlooking crucial elements such as the electrical system. However, a thorough electrical inspection can uncover potential issues that might not be immediately visible but could lead to significant problems down the road. Understanding the importance of electrical inspections before buying a home is essential for ensuring your safety and protecting your investment.

Top Strategies for Building a Robust Corporate Compliance Program

No wonder building a strong corporate compliance program is necessary to protect your business and ensure long-term success. Through it, you can address complex issues and avoid legal risks. Ultimately, you can promote a positive reputation for your business. That being said, how can you build an effective corporate compliance program? In today's guide, we'll walk through top strategies from the perspective of the experts. So, just read on.

The Ultimate Guide to Cloud Management Support for Businesses

However, this transformative power comes with its challenges. Managing the cloud environment in your business requires careful planning and effective strategies. That's why, in today's guide, we'll offer an ultimate guide to cloud management support that can help your business ensure optimal performance, security, and cost-efficiency. Just read on.

Can Someone Hack My Home WiFi?

Yes, it is possible for someone to hack your home WiFi. This can occur if you have a weak WiFi password, if you fail to update your router’s software or through a method called Domain Name Server (DNS) hijacking. Continue reading to learn how your home WiFi can be compromised, the signs of a hacked WiFi router, the steps to take if you get hacked and effective measures to prevent your home WiFi from getting hacked.

Tech Analysis: CrowdStrike's Kernel Access and Security Architecture

In today’s rapidly evolving threat landscape, the need for dynamic security measures is critical. Due to Windows’s current architecture and design, security products running in the platform, particularly those involved in endpoint protection, require kernel access to provide the highest level of visibility, enforcement and tamper-resistance, while meeting the strict performance envelopes demanded by large enterprise clients.

Secure Password Policies for Active Directory: A Comprehensive Guide

One of the most common ways for attackers to slip into a corporate network is by compromising the username and password of a legitimate user account. Usernames are typically trivial to guess because they follow an established standard in a given organization, such as Unfortunately, compromising basic passwords is also surprisingly easy for threat actors today. For example, they can run a program that tries out various potential passwords for a particular user account.

Balancing Escalating Security Concerns While Pursuing Business Innovation

Australia's business leaders face a complex and rapidly evolving market landscape that is highly competitive, globally interconnected, and demands a proactive approach to risk management. As continued technological innovation drives business development, efficiency, and success, it simultaneously empowers malicious threat actors to evolve and attack successful businesses more sophisticatedly.