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Dissecting Spring4Shell

An RCE vulnerability affecting Spring Core’s JDK 9 and later has become a trending topic in cybersecurity networks during the past couple days. This discovery, compared by some to the Log4Shell vulnerability, generated a lot of confusion and even got mistook with a different vulnerability affecting Spring Cloud, which got a CVE assigned the same day, and even linked them to completely unrelated commits on Spring Core’s GitHub.

5 Essential Ways to Improve SDLC Security

Vulnerabilities found in application platforms and third-party libraries have drawn growing attention to application security in the last few years, putting pressure on DevOps teams to detect and resolve vulnerabilities in their Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Take the NVD (National Vulnerability Database), which tracks and records all significant vulnerabilities published and disclosed by software vendors.

Australia and US Pledge More Government Cybersecurity Spend for 2022-23

In the midst of a growing global cyberthreat landscape, the Australian and US governments this week announced plans to increase spend to bolster federal cybersecurity. The Australian federal government’s newly released 2022-23 federal Budget has dedicated AU$9.9 billion to support cybersecurity and intelligence capabilities under a program called Resilience, Effects, Defence, Space, Intelligence, Cyber and Enablers (REDSPICE).

Building Your Security Analytics Use Cases

It’s time again for another meeting with senior leadership. You know that they will ask you the hard questions, like “how do you know that your detection and response times are ‘good enough’?” You think you’re doing a good job securing the organization. You haven’t had a security incident yet. At the same time, you also know that you have no way to prove your approach to security is working. You’re reading your threat intelligence feeds.

World Backup Day: Simplicity and Patience is Key

A few months ago, a popular cybersecurity news organization posted an urgent notice on social media seeking help to recover their data after their blog was deleted. They announced that they had no backups and they were desperately trying to contact the site administrator to restore their blog collection. This was as maddening as it was embarrassing for the same reasons.

AT&T Cybersecurity earns four Cybersecurity Excellence Awards

The AT&T Cybersecurity team’s unwavering focus on managing risk while maximizing customer experience earns high marks from security experts and customers alike. The team garnered some well-earned official recognition of the quality of flexible services they run with the announcement that AT&T won the highest distinction Gold Award in four different service categories of the 2022 Cybersecurity Excellence Awards.

10 Cybersecurity Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring is a good time to do some cleaning; put away winter clothes and ski gear, open windows and let spring breezes clear out the dust that gathered through the winter. But it’s also a good time for IT and cybersecurity teams to “spring clean” their security postures as well. Below we share 10 quick and easy ways to “clean up” your cybersecurity practices and adapt to the security threats we face daily.

The Financial Case for Cloud Security

When cloud first emerged as a new operational model for IT, its low total cost of ownership (TCO) was a topline selling point. Yet today, when considering moving security into the cloud, many worry that it will drive up costs, or at the very least demand an upfront investment that will be hard to justify in the mid-term. The reality is that cloud-native Security Service Edge (SSE) capabilities deliver a strong return of investment (ROI) with a low TCO.

Using the Snyk Vulnerability Database to find projects for The Big Fix

As developers, we all have our morning startup routine: make coffee, check Slack/Discord/email, read the latest news. One thing I do as part of my daily startup routine is check the Snyk Vulnerability Database for the latest open source vulnerabilities. It’s been especially interesting to see the types of exploits and vulnerabilities that appear in different ecosystems.