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What is CREST penetration testing and why is it important to use a CREST-approved provider?

Trusting the effectiveness of your IT security controls is crucial to mitigate risks and malicious access to your systems and the information they store. Penetration testing with a CREST-Approved provider is one of the most effective methods to gain assurance of your IT security. Initiating a penetration test will give you the ability to develop (or enhance an existing) security strategy and remediate your vulnerabilities.

4 Reasons Traditional Security Automation Strategies Fail

For many businesses today, security automation is something of a paradox. It’s no secret that automation is important, and a large number of businesses have invested in security automation solutions. Yet the never-ending stream of headlines about major cybersecurity attacks suggests that, for most of these companies, security automation doesn’t end up delivering the intended results.

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Measuring security for cloud native applications

Modern cloud-native applications - and the DevSecOps culture and practices used to manage them - introduce a fresh layer of challenges to the already thorny topic of security measurement. Historically, security has been typically measured on a regular but intermittent basis, at particular points in time. However, the pace of change at modern, cloud-native organisations, who've implemented DevSecOps and/or CI/CD, is relentless. Many deployments might be made in a single day, and the security posture of businesses might thus change dramatically over that time.
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Remote possibility: how to help remote staff achieve better work-life balance

The Covid-19 pandemic has dramatically altered working experiences and what we consider to be normal. Almost every industry has been affected and businesses were forced to scramble to find ways of operating at such a difficult time. Things have begun to improve, and we may be through the worst of the pandemic, but it has had a lingering effect.

Five worthy reads: Password hygiene - The first step towards improved security

Five worthy reads is a regular column on five noteworthy items we’ve discovered while researching trending and timeless topics. This week let’s go back to security basics with password hygiene—the simplest, and yet often overlooked step in account security. Passwords have been the bane of many internet users since the inception of the world wide web.

Weekly Cyber Security News 09/07/2021

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. For a daily selection see our twitter feed at #ionCube24. Not a great week for a couple of large vendors. One, Kaseya is scrabbling for recovery with their customer base no doubt weighing up the legal cost of the attack. This article from the start just shows how little time it takes for an attack to be leveraged.

[Infographics] Data Breach Statistics 2021

Cybercrime has been on the rise for years now, and it is not showing any signs of slowing down. Indeed, the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 just fueled the situation, and the number of attacks is escalating. Here are important data breach statistics that can help you better understand the risk landscape for 2021.

Five key points to consider for implementing a successful EDRM Project

As the corporate boundaries expand, the traditional perimeter-based security measures may not be sufficient to protect a company’s sensitive data. To address the growing threat landscapes, there is a need to protect data throughout its lifecycle be it at rest, in transit, or in use.

How to Operationalize Web Application Client-Side Security

I might assume that you found this blog while conducting research on how to protect your business from skimming breaches. Let me guess… you just survived a Magecart-type, cross-site scripting (XSS), formjacking, skimming, or other client-side attacks? Now your CISO, CEO, or board are asking you to figure out how to ensure this doesn’t happen again?