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Trends in connected homes in 2021 - Improved security and connectivity

It’s becoming more popular in 2021 to have a smart home with connected devices capable of communicating with each other. It’s expected that smart home spending will reach more than $141 billion by 2023, and the number of smart homes will surpass 300 million by 2023. Some connected home trends are dominating the headlines in 2021, including more tech for the fitness-conscious, multifamily smart homes, and a higher level of security and privacy in connected homes.

What is Ransomware and How Do You Remove It?

Someone in your organization gets an email with an attached document. The sender seems legitimate, but when they click on the link, it’s not what it claims to be. Soon your organization’s data is encrypted and you receive a message: pay a ransom to the attackers if you want the decryption key. You’ve just been the victim of a ransomware attack. Ransomware has become a major attack vector in 2021.

Cyber attacks: the risk your small business can't afford

As we’ve all learned, often the hard way, amazing tech has introduced not-so-amazing risks: viruses, hacks, and leaks, to name a few. A data breach or cyber attack can happen at any moment, to individuals or businesses of any size – and attackers do not discriminate.

Exploring the advanced technologies behind Snyk Code

Snyk Code is the static application security testing (SAST) solution from Snyk, and it introduces some revolutionary technologies into the SAST space. It is based on the research and technologies developed by a spin-off from the ETH (Zurich/Switzerland), DeepCode which joined Snyk at the end of 2020.

5 Tips for the CISO Looking to Get a Handle on Cloud Security

Over the last 18 months, cloud application use has skyrocketed, with the average organisation with 500-2,000 employees now using 805 different cloud applications. This is a staggering level of new risk for CISOs to get their heads around. At the same time that cloud use has grown, so too have the efforts of malicious actors to target cloud applications which are all too often poorly secured and present a constant opportunity of unsecured data to compromise.

CIS Control 09: Email and Web Browser Protections

Web browsers and email clients are used to interact with external and internal assets. Both applications can be used as a point of entry within an organization. Users of these applications can be manipulated using social engineering attacks. A successful social engineering attack needs to convince users to interact with malicious content. A successful attack could give an attacker an entry point within an organization.

Integrate Egnyte and Sumo Logic for Greater Data Insights

Third-party integrations are vital tools for expanding the capabilities of the Egnyte platform. Today, we’re excited to share a little more about how our partnership with Sumo Logic helps businesses get better, faster security insights from their data. Sumo Logic is an enterprise-grade, cloud-based service that collects, manages, and analyzes log data from all systems in the enterprise.

Malware Dropped Through Google Ads Targeting Banks

Banks continue to be a top target for cyber criminals. As we indicated in our blogpost on the risks to financial services networks, in 2020 alone there were more than 1,500 cyberattacks on banks, and in recent months, we’ve seen incidents such as the cyberattack on the New Zealand Federal Reserve and against the largest bank in Ecuador. Now, a new threat has emerged, and the main targets are Australian and German banks.

Simulating Filesystem with Billions of Files: Part 1

Rubrik can gracefully backup hosts with petabyte-scale filesystems containing around a billion files. It took us focused effort and innovation, both in scaling existing systems and verifying the changes work before shipping to our customers. One of the innovative systems that helped us achieve this scalability is the FileSystem Simulator.