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Top Email Security Gateway Services

With the ever-evolving landscape of email security services comes the ‘question’… ‘what are the top email security gateway services’? Our website analytics show that this term is searched for more regularly than most other general searches. A key indicator is that many top email gateway services brands have been tried and tested previously…market research is required to check for innovation – Is there anything you haven’t tried?

6 Most Common Causes of Data Leaks in 2021

The trend of global data breach events is steep and still continuing to tilt upwards. According to the latest data breach investigation report by IBM and the Ponemon Institute, data breach costs in 2021 have reached a record high. Last year, the average cost was US$3.83 million, and this year it has peaked at US$4.24 million. Mitigating these events involves comprehensive management of the entire attack surface, including the third, and even fourth-party vendor network.

What is an Intrusion Detection System (IDS)? + Best IDS Tools

An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a software application or hardware device that detects vulnerability exploits, malicious activity, or policy violations. IDSs place sensors on network devices like firewalls, servers, and routers, or at a host level. Once the IDS detects any cyber threats, the system will either report this information to an administrator or a security information and event management (SIEM) system collects it centrally.

Take the Corelight challenge: Splunk's Boss of the SOC

Looking for some threat hunting and incident response practice that's more game than work? Check out the new Capture the Flag (CTF) challenges from Corelight, now available on Splunk’s Boss of the SOC (BOTS) website - just in time for.conf! Our two on-demand BOTS modules will show you how Corelight data in Splunk can accelerate your processes and help analysts spend more time analyzing and less time fumbling with queries and gluing together data sources.

How HALOCAD addresses Data Security challenges across PLM and Multi-CAD integrations

Modern-day product development is highly complex. This is because industry competition has driven enterprises to focus mainly on their core competencies while they outsource other activities to their partner organizations specialized in such activities. Therefore, in today’s diversified global economy we find that almost all enterprises operate with their operations dispersed across internal productions and external partners.

Nightfall Achieves Compliance with SOC 2 Type 2 Standard

Nightfall, the leading cloud-native data protection platform, has successfully achieved Service Organization Control (SOC) 2 Type 2 compliance. Nightfall is the first cloud-native data loss prevention vendor to complete this certification and meet the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) criteria for managing customer data.

Top 10 Spring Security best practices for Java developers

If you’ve reached this page, you’re probably familiar with Spring and its basic mechanisms already. From its inception in 2002, Spring has become one of the dominant frameworks to build any kind of web application in Java. Web applications usually are the biggest interface between a company and its users—both internal and external. When security is neglected at the developer level, applications can become very desirable targets to hackers.