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Notes on Cybersecurity and Operational Risk

Last week one of the country’s top banking regulators published its semi-annual report on risks to the financial system, and to no surprise cybersecurity risk was near the top. The more one ponders the findings, however, the more you can see insights about cybersecurity, internal control, and innovation that are worth the time of a compliance professional in any sector.

Bug Detectors for log4j Are Now Available in Google's OSS-Fuzz

To help contain the damages that arise from the log4j vulnerability, Code Intelligence collaborated with Google’s Open Source Security Team. Together, we implemented effective bug detectors for Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilities (RCEs) to Google’s open source fuzzing framework, OSS-Fuzz.

Is a SIEM Right For You?

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) is the combination of Security Information Management (SIM) and Security Event Management (SEM) systems. SEM systems store and interpret logs for real-time security event analysis which enables quick defensive action. SIM systems collect data for trend analysis and provide automated reporting. By combining these two technologies together, a SIEM provides rapid identification, analysis, and recovery from security events.

How to Speed Investigations with Falcon Forensics

Threat hunters and incident responders are under tremendous time pressure to investigate breaches and incidents. While they are collecting and sorting massive quantities of forensic data, fast response is critical to help limit any damage inflected by the adversary. This article and video will provide an overview of Falcon Forensics, and how it streamlines the collection and analysis of point-in-time and historic forensic data.

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The Battlefield vs Red Teaming - Where the Skills Collide!

It was early 2003 in central Iraq, a couple of hours before dawn, 30 degree heat, and everything had a green tint through the night vision goggles. I was on an operation with a team from the US Psychological Operations forces (psyops) and an ODA (Operational Detachment Alpha) from the US Special Forces. We'd spent days gathering HUMINT (Human Intelligence) and undertaking reconnaissance on the target. The ODA team was set up for the assault, the psyops were ready to run diversionary tactics and I was on the team providing comms and perimeter security. Authorisation was given from above, the operation began, and the sky lit up with tracer rounds.

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Four learnings UK organisations can take from cybersecurity research in 2021

If the opinion of every UK business leader was surveyed back in February 2020, it's very likely cybersecurity wasn't at the top of their priority list. Fast forward to December 2021, and the reality is very different. Steep rises in data breaches, ransomware attacks and phishing scams in recent months, means many organisations are frantically trying to bolster their security operations, in a bid to keep pace with the evolving and progressively more complex cyber threat landscape they are now facing heading into 2022.

New Log4j flaw: 5 reasons why organizations should worry now

The world of cybersecurity has been constantly challenged since the pandemic started. With the dust still settling, a new concern has taken the entire cyber landscape by storm. A flaw in Log4j, a widely used Java-based logging library, allows hackers unbridled access to computer systems. The vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228) affects everything from the cloud to security devices. Attackers have come up with worms that can spread independently from one vulnerable system to another.

Monitor Kubernetes with Fairwinds Insights' offering in the Datadog Marketplace

Fairwinds Insights is Kubernetes governance and security software that enables DevOps teams to monitor and prevent configuration problems in their infrastructure and applications. Not only does Fairwinds simplify Kubernetes complexity, but it also reduces risk by surfacing security and reliability issues in your Kubernetes clusters.

Blocking log4j with Response Actions - Sysdig Secure

The situation involving the log4j ( log4shell ) vulnerability has been rapidly evolving since its release a little over a week ago. A new exploit, CVE-2021-45046, was found which was not covered by the initial 2.15.0 patch. Not long after the 2.16.0 patch was released, another issue was found, CVE-2021-45105, which resulted in the release of 2.17.0. There is clearly a lot going on in the log4j library.