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Leave SSL in the Dust, Turbocharge TLS with ALPN and SNI

As part of Teleport 8 we’ve made significant improvements to our routing, so much so the improvements have become a feature. Teleport 8 has new TLS routing that greatly reducing the port requirements needed for Teleport to run. Reducing the open network footprint down to a single port for your entire infrastructure and minimizing the attack surface. Want to know how we did it? Read on!

What is Ransomware?-How to Prevent, Remove, and Respond to Attacks

The success of a modern business is heavily reliant on the network of which its computers and employees operate. With many risks looming online, a secured operating system and network are critical for most businesses to perform to their full ability. One of the most prolific threats to modern business is ransomware.

How Tripwire Can Be a Partner on Your Zero Trust Journey

In a previous blog post, I discussed the different applications of integrity for Zero Trust and provided four use cases highlighting integrity in action. The reality is that many organizations can’t realize any of this on their own. But they don’t need to. They can work with a company like Tripwire as a partner on their Zero Trust journey. Let’s explore how they can do this below.

Cybersecurity in 2022 and Beyond

It’s that time of year that the usual happens. Christmas crackers with bad jokes. Holiday specials on TV (constantly). And cyber specialists like me make predictions about the year to come. With the help of insights from Gartner and my own views on what we are likely to see in 2022, I think I can help you with a couple of these. Firstly, it’s worth knowing that Gartner’s predictions come from Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo Americas, which ran virtually in October 2021.

Recover from a Ransomware Attack with Egnyte's Self-Service Feature

Ransomware is on the rise and shows no signs of slowing. In the past year alone, major ransomware attacks have hit just about every major industry, including health care, physical infrastructure, digital infrastructure, and food. It’s no longer a matter of if, but when an organization will be attacked, which is why most companies now spend considerable resources to defend against ransomware attacks.

The top 3 data security problems plaguing tech companies

Tech companies building cloud-native applications face a set of unique and rising data protection challenges. At Bearer, we had the chance to speak with 100+ data security and privacy professionals including Chief Information Security Officers, Directors of Security Engineering, Application Security Engineers, Data Protection Officers, Privacy Engineers, and many more. Here are the top concerns that keep them up at night.

2021 Highlights and Insights: Netacea's Top 5

2021 has been a whirlwind of a year for most, with lockdown restrictions easing, businesses re-opening, and people finally being able to see their family and friends in person again. For Netacea, 2021 has been all about strengthening our remote-first team and finally venturing back into the office to meet new and old colleagues face to face once again.

Top 4 Malicious Domain Incidents of 2021

Cybercriminals are increasingly using malicious domains as an attack vector. Our Internet Security Report Q1 2021 already detected a 281% increase in the number of domains blocked by DNSWatch over the previous quarter, and there has been significant activity in the past year with such links exploiting the interest in COVID-19.

What Is Digital Risk Management?

A digital security risk is any action or event that could cause loss of or damage to computer software, hardware, data, processing capability, or information. Digital risk management is an organization’s effort to keep such risks at acceptable levels. It’s crucial to understand that a risk is not the same as vulnerability. A risk is any event that could lead to an undesired outcome or loss. A vulnerability, on the other hand, is a weakness that can be exploited.