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Software Composition Analysis of Git repositories

Open source software adoption reaches higher levels every year. Recent figures show that over 70% of code used in codebases is open source. With a constant stream of new components comes increased requirements to manage the inherent risks associated with open source. Requirements that quickly turn into a necessity as supply chain attacks increased by 400% in 2021. The practice to identify and track open source components usually falls under the umbrella of Software Composition Analysis (SCA).

6 Steps to Complete a Kubernetes Backup Using CloudCasa

We are excited to have Saiyam Pathak, Director of Technical Evangelism at Civo, sign up for CloudCasa and blog the simple steps required to complete a backup and restore of a Kubernetes cluster. For those that don’t know Saiyam, he has a passion for writing and talking about Kubernetes and cloud native technologies to make them more accessible for developers. Saiyam is a CNCF ambassador and a cloud native blogger with his own Cloud Native Simplified YouTube channel.

The KapeTriage MindMap: supporting more efficient IR investigations

KAPE uses targets and modules to collect and parse digital evidence. These include the KapeTriage Compound Target, through which examiners can gather important information pertaining to an investigation within seconds. In this blog, we outline the KapeTriage MindMap, which provides a hierarchical outline of the KapeTriage Compound Target and shows how various segments collectively deliver the most relevant results.

Corporate structure and roles in InfoSec

When assessing the corporate governance of modern companies, one cannot help but note the obvious problems with information security. To solve these problems, it is crucial to carry out initiatives that, on the one hand, are complex, multifaceted, and nonobvious, and on the other, assume the involvement of all employees of the company, including the heads of key departments.

Tripwire & FoxGuard: Patching for compliance and security

There’s a saying in the cybersecurity community which states that just because you are compliant doesn’t mean that you are secure. Over the years, many images have been used to illustrate the point. One memorable image is that of a nude bicyclist wearing a helmet. By all standards, that is the epitome of “compliant, but not secure”. Many organizations have shifted the focus away from merely achieving compliance, to being both compliant and secure.

How to Use NIST's Cybersecurity Framework to Protect against Integrity-Themed Threats

With the CIA Triad, confidentiality commands much of the attention. Organizations fret over the unauthorized disclosure of their data, so they try to reduce the risks of that type of an incident. In so doing, however, enterprises commonly overlook the other two, integrity in particular. Ron Ross, a fellow at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), thinks it’s a mistake for organizations to forget about integrity.

Five questions with Enterprise Account Executive Chris Gowans

Enterprise Account Executive Chris Gowans helps potential customers understand how they can scale more effectively and efficiently with our no-code automation platform. Chris ensures every impression counts, from gathering information on discovery calls to closing deals and shaping creative customer-facing efforts! Read on to learn more about his day-to-day at Tines.

Zhadnost strikes again... this time in Finland.

SecurityScorecard (SSC) has identified a DDoS attack which targeted the websites of the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Defense. SSC discovered more than 350 bots, mainly located in Bangladesh and African countries, which are now considered to be part of the Zhadnost botnet, previously discovered by SSC in March.

What To Do If You Think Your Company Has Been Hacked

Nearly every day, it seems like you’re reading about another data breach in the news. Between ransomware attacks and nation-state actors, you can’t rely on the old “trust but verify” adage anymore. Cyber resilience isn’t about preventing all threats, it’s about creating a security program that allows you to identify, investigate, contain, and mitigate threats quickly and effectively.