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Prioritize vulnerability remediation with Datadog SCA

Software Composition Analysis (SCA) is the practice of identifying the open source libraries your code depends on. By using SCA, you can analyze these dependencies and determine whether they are affected by any known vulnerabilities, contain malicious code, introduce licensing risk, or are poorly maintained. SCA helps teams understand their software’s dependencies and the security implications of using them so that they can safely build on and innovate with open source code.

Introduction to Software Composition Analysis and How to Select an SCA Tool

Software code is constantly growing and becoming more complex, and there is a worrying trend: an increasing number of open-source components are vulnerable to attacks. A notable instance was the Apache Log4j library vulnerability, which posed serious security risks. And this is not an isolated incident. Using open-source software necessitates thorough Software Composition Analysis (SCA) to identify these security threats.

Understanding Supply Chain Risk - Using SCA to protect your application

Understanding our supply chain means understanding all the components that make it. But this is harder than it appears. Open-source components make up 80 - 90% of our application's source code, but we must also remember that our open-source components are also made from open-source components, it's like supply chain inception. SCA or Software Composition Analysis is a security tool that looks at your entire supply chain and outlines vulnerabilities, including transitive or downstream dependencies.

Getting started with PHP static analysis in 2024

PHP is a popular server-side scripting language that is widely used for web development. PHP developers can ship and deploy more high-quality software products by leveraging static analysis tools that help mitigate PHP code errors, security vulnerabilities, and other issues that can impact the quality and security of the application if not addressed early in the development cycle.

What is the difference between an SCA scan and a container scan?

Are Software composition analysis (SCA) scans and container scans the same thing? The short answer is yes… and no. A comprehensive container image scan applies SCA specifically to containers in combination with other analyses particular to containers, such as how they’re configured to deploy and the presence of secrets. Read on to learn the key differences.

Mitigate vulnerabilities from third-party libraries with Datadog Software Composition Analysis

Mitigating application vulnerabilities throughout the software development life cycle (SDLC) is critical—and challenging, especially as applications rely more and more on third-party, open source software (OSS). With this type of architecture, teams often don’t know exactly where vulnerabilities exist in their code, which of those vulnerabilities are actively exposed in production services, and which vulnerabilities are more critical to address than others.