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Discover Hidden Assets with AppTrana WAAP

We are excited to introduce Asset Discovery – a new feature that allows you to find and protect unknown applications, domains, sub-domains, and other public assets. This feature is now part of AppTrana WAAP and Indusface WAS (Web Application Scanning). Unknown is the biggest risk, especially when it is an orphaned app that was launched by one of your business divisions that is no longer in use.

What are Software Supply Chain Attacks?

Software supply chain attacks, or digital supply chain attacks, have become increasingly prevalent over the last couple of years. According to a study by KPMG, 73% of organizations have experienced at least one significant disruption from a third-party in the last three years. What’s the best way to protect against potential software supply chain attacks? To get the answer, let’s define what those attacks are, how they happen, and how you can defend against them.

CISO's Corner: Cybersecurity Best Practices: Securing Employee Smartphones

Arguably, the most used device by an organization’s employees is their smartphone. Ensuring that anyone, from the CEO to a newcomer being onboarded, knows how to keep this device safe should be paramount. Why? Globally, more than 2 million attacks on mobile devices are reported each month, according to Statista. While the number of attacks has dropped precipitously from its peak of 6.5 million in October 2020, it is still dangerously high and a favorite threat actor attack vector.

An Easy Guide to Understanding Risk Management and Quantification, 2

‍This is the second of a two part series on highlighting the power of cyber risk quantification, based on a webinar hosted by Kovrr’s Director of Product Management, Amir Kessler. Part two delves into the transformative potential of converting cyber risks from financial insights to actionable plans. Watch the full webinar here.

eBPF Offensive Capabilities - Get Ready for Next-gen Malware

It’s not a mystery that eBPF (Extended Berkeley Packet Filter) is a powerful technology, and given its nature, it can be used for good and bad purposes. In this article, we will explore some of the offensive capabilities that eBPF can provide to an attacker and how to defend against them.

How to Help Your Board and Senior Executives Become Cyber Savvy

It’s not news that cybersecurity is now a board-level imperative. But with all the talk about that, here’s something we don’t talk about enough: board directors and other senior executives might know they need to have these conversations, but in many cases are still struggling with how to have them in a productive way, especially if they aren’t technical or haven’t spent any real time in a technology role.

7 tech challenges that can be collaboration opportunities for global governments

From cybersecurity to AI to legacy IT, agencies are united by similar obstacles So far the twenty-first century has unleashed a torrent of technological innovations, becoming a double-edged sword for governments worldwide. The growing burden of legacy IT systems, cybersecurity threats, AI incorporation, data privacy concerns, budgetary constraints, and shifting geopolitical landscapes puts governments at the forefront of a rapidly evolving environment.

Are Phishing and Social Engineering the Same?

No, phishing and social engineering are not the same. Phishing is a subset of social engineering, meaning phishing attacks are a form of social engineering, but not all social engineering is considered phishing. Read on to learn more about what differentiates phishing from social engineering and how to protect yourself from both.

4 Cloud Security Best Practices for Protecting SaaS Apps

In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, SaaS applications have been essential in driving efficiency and promoting collaboration. But the benefits of the cloud also bring new risks, and securing your organization against a vast array of cloud security threats can be a unique challenge.