For organizations of all sizes, cyber consistently earns a place on the agenda, becoming a focal point for business-critical initiatives and investments. Today, cyber means business, and it isn't challenging to overstate the importance of cyber as a foundational and integral business imperative.
Security Operations teams are the cornerstone of the fight against last-mile cybercrime in any organization. This is why they need the most advanced technologies possible.But the fight against cybercriminals isn’t simply a question of technology. Having a proactive attitude against possible cyberattacks is also key. This is where we see two essential concepts for all Security Operations teams: IoCs (indicators of compromise) and IoAs (indicators of attack). What is the difference?
In a digital-first world, safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring compliance with industry regulations are paramount. Enter "Continuous Compliance" – a dynamic approach reshaping the cybersecurity paradigm. As a key part of an effective compliance strategy, continuous compliance is pivotal in fortifying security measures. This modern strategy empowers organizations to stay one step ahead of cyber criminals by fostering real-time monitoring and rapid response to potential threats.
2023 Cost of a Data Breach: Key Takeaways It’s that time of year - IBM has released its “Cost of a Data Breach Report.” This year’s report is jam-packed with some new research and findings that highlight how organizations are implementing security and risk mitigation techniques to help identify and contain data breaches.
In 2013, MITRE created the ATT&CK framework to give security practitioners a shared language for the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) employed by advanced persistent threat (APT) groups. The result is a knowledge source that provides valuable threat information, allowing teams to take a proactive approach in identifying and mitigating potential cybersecurity threats. Though the framework is widely used, most organizations struggle to effectively utilize it.
1Password Shell Plugins bring one-touch access to programmers' favorite command line interfaces (CLIs). I’ll never get tired of cutting steps from what was once a manual process, especially if we can secure that workflow in the process. And that’s exactly what shell plugins do.