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The states of data, Part 3: Data in use and why you need to keep an eye on file activities

In our previous blog, The states of data, Part 2: Why visibility is key for protecting data at rest, we discussed the importance of discovering data; classifying it; assigning the right permissions; and getting rid of redundant, obsolete, or trivial data to protect data at rest. While doing all this can get you started, achieving data security takes more than that.

The Key Advantages of Implementing Security Analytics

Taking proactive actions regarding the security of your systems is a fundamental part of all organizations. It's impossible to predict what cyber attacks or incidents your organization may face but there are solutions and options available to you that assist in detecting threats before they can impact your organization. One of these valuable solutions is security analytics.

Understanding Drive-by Download Attacks

An employee at a large organization is doing research for a client and clicks on what they believe is a legitimate website. What they don’t realize is, while they’re browsing, malware in the form of a Trojan virus is swiftly downloading onto their endpoint. The Trojan jumps from the endpoint into the organization’s network, and suddenly, their cybersecurity system rings alarms as ransomware takes hold in the environment.

BDRSuite Beta Release: Exciting New Features for Proxmox Environment, Including Proxmox Cluster Backup Support

BDRSuite has taken a significant step forward with its latest beta release, focusing on expanding backup support for Proxmox cluster environments. This beta version introduces several powerful features designed to enhance the flexibility and efficiency of backup and recovery processes.

How to Prevent Cyber Attacks: Strategies and Best Practices

In today’s digitally connected world, any organization with digital assets and internet access is vulnerable to cyberattacks. That reality has become all too pervasive in recent years. While it may not be part of your business plan, protection against cyber attacks must be a high priority. Keeping your business safe from attack should be a shared objective across all areas of the organization.

SenseOn MDR vs. SocGholish: A Technical Analysis

In February of 2024, SenseOn was contacted to assist with investigating suspicious activity on a customer’s estate. SenseOn analysts quickly identified a malware infection and identified the variant as SocGholish. This blog will showcase SenseOn’s detection and response capabilities against the malware and a breakdown of SocGholish’s techniques and that of the threat actor observed.

Is Jailbreaking Your iPhone Safe?

No, jailbreaking your iPhone is not safe and can result in your personal information being stolen, your phone becoming infected with malware and your software malfunctioning. When you jailbreak your iPhone, you increase the number of security vulnerabilities that cybercriminals can exploit to access your private information. Continue reading to learn what jailbreaking is and why you should never jailbreak your iPhone.

PIM vs PAM: What's the Difference?

The main difference between Privileged Identity Management (PIM) and Privileged Access Management (PAM) is their varying focuses. PIM ensures that users have necessary access based on their identity, while PAM stops unauthorized users from accessing sensitive information. Continue reading to learn more about PIM and PAM, in addition to what distinguishes them from each other.

Streamline SASE Operations with Skope AI-powered Cloud Orchestrator

This is the third blog in our series, where we embark on a journey of Branch Transformation with the Next Gen SASE Branch solution. Built on the Netskope One SASE platform, the Next Gen SASE Branch solution combines its three layers–Context-aware SASE Fabric, Zero Trust Hybrid Security, and a SkopeAI-powered Cloud Orchestrator–into a unified cloud offering.