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How to Keep Your Data Safe in the Cloud with the Best Backup Software

When it comes to file storage, it's not just a case of storing your files in the cloud and the job’s done. You have to take more steps to protect against data loss, corruption, accidental deletion, or ransomware. Whenever you store anything, it is essential to back up your files for complete reassurance that no matter what happens to your device, you will always have a backed-up version of your files that you can recover.

3 tips to get everyone on your team using 1Password Enterprise Password Manager

A smooth and well-structured onboarding process can encourage strong security habits for your team. And the way you introduce 1Password sets the stage for how your entire organization will use it. Follow our tips and strategies to build an unbreakable foundation that’s baked right into your company’s overall security strategy.

Data Security Best Practices: 7 Tips to Crush Bad Actors

In today’s hyper-connected world, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to ensure your data is protected. With users accessing networks from multiple locations, data passing through unpredictable endpoints, and a rampant increase in cybercrime, establishing and maintaining data security best practices has never been more important. According to the Identity Theft Resource Center, there were 2,365 cyber attacks in 2023, a 72% increase over 2021.

Securing CAD files along the supply chain with HaloCAD

Nowadays, the digital supply chain is both essential and vulnerable. According to Pinsent Masons annual cyber report, supply chain breaches were the most common form of cyber incident in 2023 occuring in one third of cases (up from 5% in 2022). Meanwhile, Gartner predicts that almost half (45%) of global organizations will suffer a digital supply chain attack by 2025. Nowadays, the digital supply chain is both essential and vulnerable.

SEBI's CSCRF Regulation

India's Securities and Exchange Board (SEBI) has introduced a new regulatory framework called the Cyber Security and Cyber Resilience Framework (CSCRF). The regulation aims to tighten cybersecurity and data governance for capital market participants. As cyber threats increase globally, the CSCRF is poised to create a stronger defense line for organizations operating in India’s capital markets.

Australia Considers Mandatory Reporting of Ransom Payments

New legislation is on the horizon in Australia that is set to change the way businesses deal with ransomware attacks. This law, not unlike the Cyber Incident Reporting for Critical Infrastructure Act (CIRCIA) in the US, aims to improve transparency when it comes to paying ransoms. There's no question that cybercrime is on the rise in the country.

New Release: ionCube Encoder 14 with PHP 8.3 support

Earlier this year we rolled out support for PHP 8.3 where PHP 8.2 encoded files can now run on PHP 8.3 with our unique Loader compatibility. We’re pleased to announce that our next major release, ionCube Encoder 14, is now available with full support for encoding PHP 8.3 syntax. ionCube Encoder continues to offer the best in PHP protection with advanced encoding tools so you can be sure that your PHP code is protected against theft and copy.

Intelligent Privilege Controls: A Quick Guide to Secure Every Identity

Security used to be simpler. Employees, servers and applications were on site. IT admins were the only privileged identities you had to secure, and a strong security perimeter helped to keep all the bad guys out. Times have changed. Attackers targeting identities is not new. What’s different is the dramatic increase in the quantities and types of identities, attacks and environments.

Vanta accelerates ANZ momentum with localised frameworks, regional support, and a new Australian data centre

Managing compliance across various frameworks and standards can be challenging and confusing. Organisations must earn and maintain compliance with local and international standards and industry-specific regulations, all while keeping up with ever-evolving security and privacy best practices. This is particularly true for startups and scaleups in the ANZ region looking to accelerate growth, expand into international markets, and sell to new and larger customers with higher expectations. ‍