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What Is a Black Hat Hacker?

A black hat hacker is a cybercriminal who accesses your computer systems and network without your knowledge to steal data, disrupt systems and extort money. Black hat hackers try to take advantage of an organization’s security vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to software, systems and networks. Once they gain access to an organization’s data, black hat hackers may hold the data for ransom or sell it to other businesses or cybercriminals.

CrowdStrike Research Challenges Containerized Application Predictability Assumptions

Cloud workloads — and containers in particular — are often seen as immutable entities with predictable behavior. But recent CrowdStrike research suggests that some cloud security solutions rely too much on this premise, leading to suboptimal detection outcomes. CrowdStrike observes billions of container events each day. The data we collect gives us insights into real-world cloud workload behavior, which challenges these assumptions.

Simplify and streamline identity security and management to protect your business using AWS Managed Microsoft Active Directory and One Identity Active Roles

Active Directory (AD) is the most prolific identity platform in the world. Like many companies already using AD on-premises, you may now be considering extending your identity environment to the cloud to create a hybrid landscape. There are many reasons behind this: resource constraints, strategy evolution, merger, acquisition or otherwise.

What's New with the TSA's Oil and Gas Security Directives?

In recent years, the security of the United States' critical infrastructure has become a pressing concern, particularly in the oil and gas sector, due to its pivotal role in the nation's economy and energy supply. Recognizing this, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) implements several new directives in July each year aimed at enhancing the security and resilience of vital energy infrastructure against various threats, including cyber-attacks and physical disruptions.

What is Watchlist Screening? A Complete Guide

A guide to using watchlists to keep your business safe. Shana is a product marketing manager focused on the Persona platform and marketplaces. You can usually find her running around San Francisco with a coffee in hand. Shana is a product marketing manager focused on the Persona platform and marketplaces. You can usually find her running around San Francisco with a coffee in hand.

Celebrating our recent win in the 2025 TrustRadius Buyer's Choice!

We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve been honored with the prestigious 2025 TrustRadius Buyer's Choice! This recognition is a testament to the hard work and dedication of WatchGuard’s team and validates our focus on product innovation and ongoing commitment to simplifying security for partners and customers.

Boost Your Business Efficiency with AI-Powered Chatbots

In today's competitive business landscape, efficiency is paramount. Companies are continually seeking innovative ways to streamline operations, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction. One powerful tool that has emerged in this quest for efficiency is the AI-powered chatbot. Platforms like are leading the charge, providing businesses with intelligent chatbot solutions that revolutionize the way they interact with customers and manage internal processes.