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Threat Context monthly: Executive intelligence briefing for November 2024

Welcome to the Threat Context Monthly blog series where we provide a comprehensive roundup of the most relevant cybersecurity news and threat information from KrakenLabs, Outpost24’s cyber threat intelligence team. Here’s what you need to know from November.

CosmicSting: A Critical XXE Vulnerability in Adobe Commerce and Magento (CVE-2024-34102)

The e-commerce world was recently shaken by the discovery of a vulnerability in Adobe Commerce and Magento, two of the most widely used e-commerce platforms. Dubbed "CosmicSting" and designated as CVE-2024-34102, this vulnerability exposes millions of online stores to potential remote code execution and data exfiltration risks.

4 tips to encourage your team to use 1Password Enterprise Password Manager

So you’ve rolled out 1Password Enterprise Password Manager, successfully onboarded your team – now what? Don’t let the momentum you’ve built go to waste! By building long-term security habits early on you’ll reap the benefits far into the future.

Command injection in 2024 unpacked

Command injection is a vulnerability still very prevalent in web applications despite being less famous than its cousins SQL injection or Code injection. If you’re familiar with other injection vulnerabilities, you’ll recognize the common principle: untrusted user input is not properly validated, leading to the execution of arbitrary system commands. This flaw occurs when unvalidated input is passed to system-level functions. So how prominent is command injection actually?

Privileged Access for Modern Infrastructure: The Top Four Challenges

As organizations have transitioned from legacy IT infrastructure to cloud-native, ephemeral modern infrastructure, the needs of how privileged access is handled have shifted, too. Modern infrastructure presents unique challenges that legacy Privileged Access Management (PAM) tools, originally architected for more static environments, weren’t designed to handle. In this post, we explore why characteristics of modern infrastructure require a modern approach to PAM.

How Does Incognito Mode Work?

Incognito mode, also known as private browsing mode, stops your web browser from saving your browsing history on your device. By turning on incognito mode, you can browse the internet with the assurance that closing incognito mode will erase your cookies and data. Incognito mode also logs you out of your online accounts, which is useful if you’re sharing a device with others and want to maintain your privacy.

CrowdStrike Partners with MITRE Center for Threat-Informed Defense to Launch Secure AI Project

As organizations deploy more AI-enabled systems across their networks, adversaries are taking note and using sophisticated new tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) against them. The need for continued innovation to fight these threats is paramount.

Integrating SASE and NDR: Building a Robust Security Framework

Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) is a holistic security model that integrates both networking and security functions into a single, cloud-native architecture. SASE security combines secure network access, SASE cloud security and zero-trust technologies to create a unified approach to protecting the enterprise networks of today. SASE can be extremely useful especially for organizations adopting digital transformation and remote work. Some of the SASE benefits are.

NotLockBit Ransomware, Embargo Ransomware, Emennet Pasargad, and More: Hacker's Playbook Threat Coverage Round-up: November 2024

In this version of the Hacker’s Playbook Threat Coverage round-up, we highlight attack coverage for several new threats. SafeBreach customers can select and run these attacks and more from the SafeBreach Hacker’s Playbook to ensure coverage against these advanced threats. Additional details about the threats and our coverage can be seen below.