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Introducing the Styra DAS Terraform Provider

Gartner projects that by 2026, 80% of software engineering organizations will have established platform engineering teams. The vision of platform engineering is ambitious: to empower developers with all the flexibility they need while minimizing complexity. This approach has already transformed infrastructure, deployment, data analytics, encryption management, authentication, and more.

8 Ways to Combat Credential Stuffing and Brute Force Attacks

We’re in an era of connectivity and convenience, but this has also opened the floodgates to a new wave of cyber threats. Among the most insidious and pervasive is credential stuffing, a cyberattack that exploits the human tendency to reuse passwords across multiple online accounts. This threat is more than just a digital inconvenience. Verizon’s 2024 Data Breach Investigations Report reveals that more than 49% of breaches caused by external actors involve stolen credentials.

DDoS threat report for 2024 Q2

Welcome to the 18th edition of the Cloudflare DDoS Threat Report. Released quarterly, these reports provide an in-depth analysis of the DDoS threat landscape as observed across the Cloudflare network. This edition focuses on the second quarter of 2024. With a 280 terabit per second network located across over 230 cities worldwide, serving 19% of all websites, Cloudflare holds a unique vantage point that enables us to provide valuable insights and trends to the broader Internet community.

Bitbucket Exports And Imports Explained

As one of the leading platforms for distributed version control, Bitbucket is a hub that helps DevOps teams collaborate on code. This critical data, including source code, digital data, and we shouldn’t forget metadata that helps them to see the full picture of their work, is vital for their operations and business continuity. So, should they have the possibility to seamlessly import this data from Bitbucket and export to Bitbucket? The answer is yes.

What is Web Scraping and How It Works?

Confused and want to know what in the world web scraping is and how it works? Well you’ve come to the right place because we’re about to lay down everything for you. Before we dive in, I can already tell you the short version: Web scraping is the process of extracting publicly available data from a website. Join us to learn more about the specifics, how it works, and popular libraries that exist.

Why Your Business Needs Bot Protection Solution?

Our latest application security report shows a significant rise in bot attacks, jumping from 59.4 million in Q1 2023 to 147 million in Q1 2024—a 147% increase. These automated programs can disrupt services, compromise sensitive data, and threaten the integrity of online operations. To effectively mitigate these risks, businesses must adopt a robust bot protection solution.

Network Isolation for DynamoDB with VPC Endpoint

DynamoDB is a fully managed NoSQL database service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is renowned for its scalability, dependability, and easy connection with other AWS services. Notwithstanding its manifold advantages, organizations continue to place a high premium on guaranteeing the security of data stored in DynamoDB. By default, DynamoDB can be accessed over the public network using HTTPS, ensuring secure communication with SSL/TLS encryption.

A Guide to Building Modern Approaches to DDoS Protection

The digital world thrives on constant connectivity, making websites and online services the cornerstones of countless businesses. But these crucial platforms are constantly under siege by malicious actors. Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, where attackers overwhelm an online service infrastructure with a flood of traffic, pose a significant threat, causing service disruption and downtime which results in financial losses and reputational damage.