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Brand Impersonation of Microsoft Increases 50% in One Quarter

The use of the Microsoft brand in phishing attacks demonstrates both its widespread credibility as well as the continued success of attacks leveraging it. Each quarter, security vendor Check Point builds its’ Brand Phishing Ranking, identifying the top ten impersonated brands used in phishing attacks. And, while we’ve seen Microsoft at the top of this quite a few times before in their previous rankings, it’s the growth we see in their latest report covering Q2.

How To Educate Children About Online Password Safety

According to data from the Pew Research Center, over 33% of parents with children younger than 12 years old say their children started using digital devices before they were five years old. With children gaining access to technology at earlier ages than ever before, it is important to teach your children about online password safety. Password safety refers to the best practices of creating strong passwords and keeping them stored in a safe location.

Creating Visibility In Your Digital Environment with Attack Surface Management (ASM)

In today’s IT environments, creating visibility in your digital environment with Attack Surface Management (ASM) is crucial for maintaining robust cybersecurity. ASM provides essential insights and tools to identify and protect your organization. This blog addresses several key questions that ASM helps answer, bolstering your resilience against cyber threats.

Sentinels of Ex Machina: Defending AI Architectures

The introduction, adoption, and quick evolution of generative AI has raised multiple questions about implementing effective security architecture and the specific requirements for protecting all aspects of an AI environment as more and more organizations begin using this technology. Recent security reports on vulnerabilities that expose Large Language Model (LLM) components and jailbreaks for bypassing prompting restrictions have further shown the need for AI defenses.

The Optimal Cyber Risk Management Tools to Streamline DORA Compliance

‍Over the past few decades, money has steadily transformed from a material entity to a digital one. Worldwide, people rely on the cyber realm to pay their bills, shop for food, and perform many other everyday activities. Corporations, too, particularly following the 2020 pandemic, are largely dependent on cloud-based operations, utilizing various management platforms and storing massive amounts of data online.

5 Snyk Alternatives and Why They Are Better

Snyk is widely recognized as one of the top security tools for developers, especially when it comes to finding vulnerabilities in open-source code, containers, and infrastructure as code. However, no tool is perfect for every scenario and access to the Snyk platform comes with a price tag. Depending on your needs, there may be Snyk alternatives that provide better integration, features, or just better value for money.

Implementing SBOM Security Best Practices

The concept of Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) has gained serious traction in recent years, emerging as a critical element of software security frameworks. SBOM refers to a comprehensive inventory of all the components and dependencies, or the software supply chain, that make up a software application. The influence of SBOM on modern software and application security programs is so compelling that government organizations like the U.S.

3 Types of Bot Attacks to Guard Against

Bot attacks constitute a major danger to businesses and individuals. For five consecutive years, the percentage of global web traffic connected to bad bots has increased, reaching 32% in 2023, a 1.8% increase from 30.2% in 2022, while human traffic represented only 50.4%. These nefarious bots are designed to breach a system, access confidential files illegally, and disrupt normal operations, which leads to severe financial and reputational consequences.

The Role of Automation in Managed File Transfer: Streamlining Workflows

In an era where efficiency and security are paramount, automation has become a critical component of Managed File Transfer (MFT) solutions. Automation in MFT streamlines workflows, reduces manual intervention, and ensures that file transfers are executed consistently and securely. This article delves into the role of automation in MFT and how it contributes to streamlined business operations.